Three rounds for time of:
12 Muscle-ups
75 Squats
Kristan Clever 8:48, Rob Orlando 9:03, Kevin Montoya 9:29, Brandon Pastorek 10:36, Michelle Benedict 13:01.
For those of you who are struggling with the kipping muscle up I am going to say the same thing you hear us say on 90% of the exercises we do here. Open your hips. When trying to generate momentum, the hips are the most powerful part of your body. If you aren't gonna use them, you are going to have to have some serious monkey strength.
Angela on the left, has all the strenght required to do a muscle up. The reason she hasn't pulled it off yet is that she isn't opening the hips and generating the upward momentum needed to get through the transition. In the second set of photos, you can see Angela's position vs. Brooke's. Brooke has opend the hips much more and has therefor generated more momentum and elevated her center of mass much higher. She has generated lots more upward momentum which will allow her to transition up and over the rings.
Many of you who I watch try to learn the muscle up, end up in the same position as Angela. Knees high, hips low, and not quite enough momentum to make it over the top. Focus on getting you hips way up in the air, and you will stick it.
Ang, the good news is that your 90% there. As soon as you throw your hips up higher… BAM! Your gonna nail it.