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Throwing Rocks In The Pool

Squat Clean 3-3-3-1-1-1

4 Rounds For Time:
10 Burpee Pull Ups
20 Plyo Lunges

Picture 2
Picture 3
The swim WOD was fantastic!  A great turnout of about 40 CFES'ers and a humbling 20 minutes AMRAP, especially for us non-swimmers.  Brian breifly gave us some swim basics, which mostly went out the window by round 2 or 3, but still it was great to get some pointers and have something else to think about besides how terrible it felt to struggle against the water.

The swimmers absoutely dominated this one.  I attemped to program it so the swimming couldn't make or break your score.  As it turned out, if you didn't have a swim background, you didn't stand a chance.  It was the first time I can remember looking forward to the thrusters in a WOD.  Many remarked about how tired and hungry they felt for the remainder of the day after this one.  I agree.  For those of you who have not swam in a workout, you now have an appreciatoin for how hard swimming actually is.  For those of you who didn't make it, go take a dumbell out somewhere and try it.

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