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Tryout Details

Sac-Town Throwdown Try-Outs
Saturday Morning @ 7:30 AM
Tuesday Night @ 5:30 PM

-Plan for 3 hours start to finish
-You may try-out for more than 1 division and you will be placed on a team according to performance
-Masters means 40 and over on Feb 11th
-Novice means that you started CrossFit in August 2010 or later

Event #1
5 Rounds not for time, 30 minute time limit:
1 Rep Max Deadlift
Max Reps Handstand Push Ups

You will get 2 scores here.  The first will be the total of all 5 deadlifts, and the second will be the total of all 5 sets of handstand push ups.  A missed deadlift may be repeated until a successful lift is completed.  Strict handstand push ups are head to the floor and locked out elbows with feet still in contact with wall.  You may scale to kipping handstand push ups, but any number of strict handstand push ups beats any number kipping.  If you can not do any version of a handstand push up you will do regular strict push ups.  Any number of kipping handstand push ups will beat any number of regular push ups.

Event #2
Tabata Air Squat
4 Minutes Max Reps Muscle Ups

You will get 2 scores on this event.  On Tabata squats, you must have strict range of motion.  Below parallel at the bottom and open hips at the top.  To ensure open hips, you must flex your ass for an instant at the top of each rep.  Lowest of 8 sets is your Tabata Squat score. 

After your last set of squats, rest 10 seconds then start muscle ups immediately.  Muscle up standard is full elbow extension with turn out at the bottom and full lock out at the top.  Any number of full range od motion muscle ups beats any number of muscle ups without full turn out.  If you cannot do a muscle up, you will sub 1 chest to bar pull up and 1 ring dip for a point.  Any number of muscle ups without turn out will beat any number of pull up/dip reps.

Event #3
Run 1 Mile (1600m)
Row 2K

You will receive 2 scores for this event.  Your 1 mile run time will end as soon as you take your first stroke on the rowing machine.  You will need to have a partner set the rower for 2000m count down, and your official row time will be taken from the rower at the end of the event.

***Note To Participants:
The scores compiled from these try-outs will be evaluated by Travis and I.  They will be used as an indicator of how we want to pick the team, and are not the “end all be all” of who makes the teams.

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