AMRAP 3:00 min:
3 Shoulder To Overhead 135/95 (no rack)
5 Ring Dips
7 Air Squats
Rest 1 Minute and repeat for 5 total cycles.
*Pick up where you left off after each rest interval.
Savasana Balasana
Position of total relaxation. Brings the sensation of peace and calm.
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Marjayasana
Calms the brain and heals tired legs. Stimulates midirift and the spinal comumn.
Halasana Dolphin
Excellent for back pain and insomnia. For the shoulders, thorax, legs, and arms.
Salambhasana Ananda Balasana
Stimulate the lumbar, legs, and arms. Great for massaging the hip area.
Malasana Pigeon
This position, for ankles and back muscles. Tones, builds flexibility, gets rid of ‘stress’.
Really, I don't hate yoga. But you have to laugh at this.