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[July 5, 2012]

I have registered a team in each of the 3 divisions for the competition, Open, Masters, and Novice.  Teams are comprised of 2 men and 2 women with Masters being over 40 years old on Sept 1st.

The plan is to put our BEST POSSIBLE athletes who are available to compete in the Open and Masters divisions, and to put people who have never competed in an outside competition the Novice division.  Participation in the 2012 Open, CF for Hope, or The Newbie Thowdown does not exclude you from the Novice team.  You are only excluded from Novice if you have competed in a non-charity CF competition outside of our gym or if you are clearly a bad-ass.

Moxie Madness will be a 2-day event on September 1st and 2nd.  If you are available those dates and want to represent CFES on any of the teams please post a comment to this comment section.  Teams will be selected by Travis and myself and we may have a few WOD-Offs if there is any question who is the fittest to rep the box on the Open and Masters.  Novice team will be picked based on who best represents the spirit of CFES.

Please throw your names in the hat by commenting below.  No other comments here please.

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