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Welcome Back!

Front Squat
3 x 500m Row
2:00min between rounds


It is always nice to have people come back to join us when they have had to take a hiatis for one reason or another.  These two personalities have been missing for a while and I am certain I speak for all when I say; "welcome back!" 

If you are by a computer during the times below… check out the schedule and watch one of our own compete in the Masters!

CFES is proud of Cori Mering who worked her ass off for the past 2 years.  Log in and check out the workouts and watch her compete online if you can't make it down.


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  1. Liz

    Cori Mering first WOD is at 10am today… Her number is Boone 467. Check it out online!

  2. xenia

    Cori, You Go Girl!!! All your hard work and dedication has paid off…what a huge accomplishment!!!!

  3. brother mike

    Go Cori!!!!!

  4. donna

    Go kick some ass, Cori!! What an inspiration you are! :).
    Liz – please keep posting Cori’s heat times to the blog and keep us updated on how she’s doing!

  5. Joan A

    The coverage this morning for the Masters has been great! Go Cori, can’t wait to see you kill this first WOD.

  6. Liz

    Our Girl hit a PR on her first workout….138# Shoulder Overhead….whoop whoop

  7. Welcome back Rod and Jill! Ocho missed you!
    Great job on the PR this morning Cori! Looking forward to more!

  8. edgar

    Watching the games online has been fun but since Im going to be in LA tomorrow, i think i can score a ticket and watch in person. Great job Cori!

  9. Liz

    Cori killed it on the chipper WOD to tie for 10th!!! Awesome to watch!

  10. brother mike

    That master’s chipper looks like a great WOD, hope we see it in the gym soon. Now someone tell Travis because he doesn’t read the blog.

  11. Brian

    Nice to have Rod and Jill back. I missed you guys.