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Welcome The Newcomers

Hang Power Snatch 2-2-2-1-1-1

21-15-9 of:
Overhead Squat @ 50%
Pull Ups


  We have quite a few newbies joining this month. Here are Ariana and Jessica hitting a wod last week. They will be finishing On Ramp this Tuesday and it's been a pleasure working with them. Say hi and help them feel welcome when you see them in your Foundations class. 

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  1. brother mike

    Good job to the newly On-Ramped!!!
    Lets see, I think the standard welcome includes the refrain, it doesn’t get easier, you just get faster and you should sign up for so you can track your workouts and compare them to other classmates as well as analyze your progress in beautiful weight/work/time relational graphs, etc.

  2. Welcome Ariana and Jessica! Looking forward to seeing you in Foundations so we can thrive/suffer together. 🙂

  3. brother mike

    John, it’s time you stop seeing people in Foundations. Way back on September 23, 2011 you posted this:
    “Nov marks my 1 year at CFES. . . So, going to call it publicly, at the end of Oct. I will take my level 1 test.”
    So? Where is that level 1 test? What’s up with that? Putting you on blast right here, it’s time to come thrive/suffer with the rest of us poor bastards subject to the pure unbridled hatred that is Travis’s Rx programming.

  4. Welcome, ladies! You’ve done the hard part – just showing up. The rest is easy. Well, not “easy”. It’s never easy, but it’s almost always fun. When you’re done. Just keep showing up, and the rest pretty much takes care of itself.

  5. FYI there are going to be changes made to the current system of Foundations/Level system. We are working on setting up a system to track who goes to what classes, then once we have that info we are going to be making the changes that make sense. I advised John to hold tight until these changes were made.
    I know the call outs for L1 come from a good place, but lets hold off on them for a while, and for the record John would smash the L1 test.
    Ariana and Jessica, keep up the hard work. This program will reward you in ways you never imagined if you just show up and put in the work.

  6. Ariana

    Thank you everyone for the encouragement. I have to admit I’m a little nervous to stay classes but excited too. 😉