Then for Time:
Snatch 135/95
Parallete HSPU (men)/HSPU (women)
Today is day that you won't ever get back. So what are you going to do today that makes a difference in your life and somebody else's? Stop waiting to make a difference. What are we waiting for? I know it all sounds very cliche but its true, live today like it's your last. Nothing happens when we just think about it. Either act or don't act and then redirect your plan if you fall short. Are you going to hit a PR today or are you planning on waiting until next time? Are you on the path to where you want to be or are you just in the way?
I guess I’ll get the ball rolling here… I’m waiting ’til next time. Don’t get me wrong because I’d love to hit a pr today… I just can’t come into the gym.
Is it PR Monday for the Dirty 6:30? I smell some PRs… and they smell like rainbows. Fresh, crisp rainbows.
Gia Fazio
I recently received a fortune cookie message that read, “You might be on the track but you’re going to get run over if you stand still.”
Sean V.
I’m PR’ing on something today, I hope… It just won’t be snatches. Stupid shoulder…
Today I’m starting the Whole30 + 30 days of 5x/wk CrossFit!!
Here’s something to think about — what happens when you string together a month of extraordinary days, a year? 10 years? Malcolm Gladwell in his book ‘Outliers’ profiles people who are WORLD CLASS at what they do and on average it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to reach that level. What are so you committed to? Is it reading great novels, going deeper in your particular field of expertise, leaving the confines of your expertise and seeking a truly more integral way of understanding your life/profession, training your body, studying and becoming a leader under changing political/economic/and climatic conditions? (hint: no one else will step up to the plate for you– if you’re meant to lead, LEAD!) Start today and spend at least 3 hrs a day focused on your purpose. In 10 years you’ll truly be WORLD CLASS!
Sean V.
Awesome post John. Did you happen to see the article on the journal recently about Greg Amundson reaching a goal after CrossFitting for 10 years? Definitely nothing short of a world class athlete.
Thanks Sean and I did see that. The full video is available here (note: many of the CrossFit journal videos can be watched free on CrossFitHQ’s YouTube channel :))
adam k
Hollis – Mondays were invented specifically for PR’s!! So eat some unicorns for lunch and we’ll all be pissin rainbows @ 6:30.
Ryan Lippmann
Dirty 6:30 PR Monday hoooollllleeeerrrrrrrrrr!!
I’ve already seen a Leprechaun today, so I’m legit. Now it’s time to own some snatch…
brother mike
The snatch felt really good today. 20# PR.
Brian Nabeta
Holy shit BroMike what did you start out with in the first place. Great job!
I did pr by 2 lbs over the pr i got at the throwdown in February.
Cherie Nabeta
7lb PR today but not quite satisfied. Wanted 100 and didn’t get it today. NEXT TIME!
brother mike
Cherie, great job, sorry the snatch wasn’t satisfying.
Apparently what we are NOT going to do today is post a lot on the blog. 🙂 Guess that’s because we’re all too busy doing amazing things. Or just trying to survive a Monday.
Sean T.
The CFES Tough Mudder team is slowly growing! Right now we have about 12 people signed up. If anyone else is still interested, email me at and I will shoot you an invite.
Sean V.
Contributing toward the comment goals…

Big Rob
just wanted to let everyone know that ya’ll are freakin awesome…..that is all.
Although I went light on the overhead squats today, I actually got my toes to the bar a couple of times for the first time! This blog entry was a great reminder not to get complacent – thanks Brooke!
Olga B
Donna did several unassisted pull ups this morning and encouraged me to switch to blue band, this girl is on fire.
Jamie P
Way to go, Monica!