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What the Heck is Paleo Anyways? What About Primal?


Check out the following video by Dr. Doug Willen, that is a quick explanation of what it means when we say "Paleo."  It hits the key points without going deep into the sciencey stuff. 

For more info from Dr Willen check out the following websites

Primal BlueprintThere is another guy you might have heard of named Mark Sisson who publishes a blog called and wrote a book called The Primal Blueprint on primal lifestyle and it's benefits to our health.

When you hear "Paleo," most people are referring to the caveman diet.  "Primal" includes that, but also goes much more into lifestyle choices that model that of the hunter gatherer. 

Mark's editor/writing partner Brad Kearns will be in Sacramento on Tuesday evening March 6th doing a 3 hour presentation on transformation to a more primal lifestyle.  They will discuss nutrition, food quality choices, effective exercise programs, and lifestyle choices that you may not realize are effecting your health.  There is much more to our overall health than just diet and exercise.

For more info on the seminar or to register, click the following link

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