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What’s In Your Gym Bag? Volume 1

For Time:
50-40-30-20-10 KB Swings 53/35
1 Rope Climb 14"
200m Sprint

Picture 4
First off, ropes are nasty.  People slide up and down them grinding their dirty shoes, sweat and blood into them.  We do not want people getting staph infections or any other nasty little rashes, but we do want people climbing ropes.  If you plan to climb the rope, you should wear protection in the same manner that you would on a first date with that special someone you just met on e-harmony.

Neopreme leg sleeves work great at preventing rope burn which brings me to my second point.  You are nasty.  We have a few leg sleeves here at the gym that some of the coaches and athletes purchased to keep themselves protected from RTDs.  There is nothing more annoying to the coaches and athletes who own these leg sleeves than to come in to do a workout and find our leg condoms full of your sweat.  The rope climbing leg sleeve is one of many "gym bag items" that everyone should have.  Long socks work too, and are believed to be 68% effective at preventing RTDs, but will not stop you from chewing a hole in your shin or calf.

You can find leg condoms in any sporting good store right next to the ankle braces and splints.  Protect yourselves against RTDs.

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