5 Rounds Each For Time:
80 Yard Prowler 90/50
15 Burpees
15 Ball Slams 40/25
*Rest 2x as long as your work interval, or just take turns with 2 other people.
As you all know, I can't stand disorganization. Dirty is fine, but disorganized is a problem. I wish I had a dollar for every time one of you has told me you can't find your workout journal. Well, the problem has been solved. All journals have been arranged in alphabetical order by last name. Journals no longer being used were discarded, and ones without names were placed in a pile. If you can't find your journal now, you probably didn't have a name on it, so look in the no-name pile. If this is you, take a maker and write your first and last name on the cover. That way when you leave your journal some place where it doesn't belong, we will know whose it is and where to put it. There were also quite a few journals in which only the first few pages were used before being abandoned, so if you need a new journal there is a pile of those also.
Shelves are labeled so you can continue to keep your journal in the same place and always have the ability to find it quickly. Don't be lazy, and don't be a slob. As a courtesy to your fellow athletes, please help to keep this area organized. Markers, calculators, and white boards go in the black tub. Pens and pencils go in the pen holder, not in the black tub. Cleaner and towels go in the clean up bucket so you can clean your blood off the equipment.
If you aren't keeping some kind of workout journal, it's probably because you don't give a shit about your own progress, please refer to "All the Cool Kids are Doing It" for some of the reasons it is important to keep a WOD journal.