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Who says Concentration Curls Aren’t Functional?


Matt still suffers from GLOBO-GYM-ITIS! His biceps still show remnants of too much focus on one particular body part.  Although he has been focusing on Crossfit for almost a year, he has quickly learned that having the biggest biceps don't translate to the most work capacity.  Here, he clearly lifts 45 # D/B in a classic concentration curl while I demonstrate the "FUNCTIONAL PURPOSE OF THIS EXERCISE".  You never know when you are going to have to curl a dog that weighs 1 KG.  If any of you have questions about Matt, his biceps, his change from GLOBO to CROSSFIT or his RELATIONSHIP STATUS, feel free to comment section and or e-mail us your profile as we are taking applications in our NEW CFES DATING SERVICE!  Hard working, semi intelligent, great sense of humor and handsome! (Just ask him)  Please feel free to chime in on some of your personal opinions of Matt in the comment section and feel free to let him know if you have any single senoritas with whom you would like to set him up. 

Ok, I am joking. We aren't in the MATCH making business, but thought you would find the humor in a little spoof.  

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  1. Matt M.

    Well this is just embarrassing.

  2. Matt M.

    Is there any chance of this going away?

  3. Ron Gates

    The dog looks really good, as for the other two,I am deeply concerned

  4. I feel like Matt is scaring away any potential suitors with a look that says, “come on big mama, let’s do this.” His biceps do look good though.

  5. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

  6. I show my biceps too, but I never get a date for it. My new goal is to prove to those man how it is “functional” to have a total bad-ass chick as a girlfriend. Any suggestions?

  7. Nice guns Matt. And no, I don’t think there is any way to make this go away. This is why they don’t let Lene do the blog.
    Tash, Pretty simple there. Any guy that doesn’t want a bad-ass chick as a girlfriend doesn’t deserve said bad-ass chick.

  8. It would appear that doing 45-lb DB curls still gives you bigger biceps than 1-kg dog curls. Just sayin. Sorry, Lene.
    By the way, congrats to Ted for completing his first 5K in many years, within his goal time, and congrats to Bro Mike for completing the 1/2 marathon this morning. We CFES reps at the Urban Cow races this morning were few in number but proud of our results. I was six seconds slower than last year, but finished 3rd in my age group. I’ll take it. 🙂

  9. Tash: I second what Pat H. said. You go girl!
    Here’s something that will help take our minds off Matt’s biceps.

  10. Sarah W

    Hey matt u got a licence for those guns?! Hmmm any chance you could tell me which way the beach is?

  11. Jennifer R.

    Shout out to the CFES runners!! I can’t wait until I can join you again!
    Mr. Lene, your effort on behalf of poor benighted singles has pushed the CFES blog into territory I never thought I’d see it go.
    Justin, save us before we fall of the edge of the earth!

  12. Alice

    Nice job Cow towners!!

  13. Jessica

    Apparently Betsy is not very impressed….