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Don’t Be Half Ass

AMRAP 20 Minutes:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats

Yesterday, pictures of people dying all over the place, today a small rodents ass.  Could it be bad for business to keep putting pictures on the blog that might scare away new customers?  Well maybe, but this was too funny to pass up. 

I drilled 1/2 inch holes in the bottom of the garbage can a few months back to let air in so the garbage bags couldn't vaccuum seal themselves into the can.  We had a little visitor yesterday, and apparently none of his friends told him he had such a huge ass.  He tried to crawl through the tiny hole to get after whatever goodies were in the garbage and he got stuck.  We don't really know how long he was there, but the pile of poop underneath him was pretty fresh, so it couldn't have been too long. 

We tried to be cool and save the mouse, and this would have been a great idea for a new humane type of mouse trap, but unfortunately this little critter didn't pull through.  Get it?  Ha, ha.  He couldn't PULL through!  Okay sorry, bad pun.

At least our Cafe only serves bottled beer, right?

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