Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
Run 800m
150 Ab-Mat Sit Ups
75 Wall Ball 20/14
I have heard so much positive feedback on all of your experiences with participation in the CF Open 2012. Joan emailed me the following list of awesomeness that I wanted to share with you all. Please use today's comment section to share some of your own experiences from the Open.
Hey Justin and Travis,
After reflecting back on the last 5 weeks and participating in the Open, I just thought I should send you a quick note to say thank you for all that you have done building CFES into what it is today, developing ever challenging WOD's and bringing together a community of people who support and push each other to strive to be at our best every day. So thank you again and here's what I learned about myself over the last 5 weeks.
- Staying on the Leaderboard was important to me which meant no scaling
- 20 inch box jumps are possible even with arthritic knees
- 28 Push Presses at 75# are possible when previously your 1 RM was only 80#
- 106 14# Wallballs can be done basically with only one arm thanks to a tweaked shoulder
- 65# Thrusters which at one time was my 1 RM felt easy during WOD 12.5
- Chest to Bar Pull Ups are now part of my "can do – but needs work" list of goals
- Setting goals for each WOD and sharing them with your judge and friends help you get there
- Having friends cheer you on during these WOD's are priceless
- Joining CFES goes down as one of my smarter decisions in life
- And though I am glad the Open is behind me, I am really glad I did it