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Writers Block

Rest Day

As the title suggests, I am experiencing a bout of writers' block.  I pondered over topics much of the day but in the end decided nothing lived up to the standards of pure gold that usually come spilling out of my fingertips (insert sarcastic response here…its sad that I've come to expect this).  However, I am again reminded of the phenomenal job Justin, Chris, and the others who contribute to this blog on a regular basis do at keeping this updated daily.  This is not something they have to do but is something we now expect.  How many of us wake in the morning and incorporate checking the website into part of the morning routine?  This blog goes a long ways in connecting us during the hours that we cannot spend in the box and is a large part of why CFES is a top-of-the-line affiliate and a great community of friends. 

I just wanted to send "props" where they are deserved and it should not be lost on us the work that these guys put into keeping us connected.  Now enjoy this highly unrelated video about a great comeback.

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  1. Blake nice post. Cheers.

  2. brother mike

    It’s always impressive to see videos of a good olympic lifter, but I can’t even imagine how hard that guy had to work to come back after that injury. The fact that he had probably made thousands of lifts before that one didn’t make it much easier to start back wondering if the next lift he made was going to end badly. Takes a special kind of individual to push through that kind of uncertainty for sure.

  3. John Michelmore

    Amazing story. What a competitor! Thanks Blake.

  4. This is a great video. And way to kiss some butt in absence of a unique idea. All in all, this blog is a ton of work and I do take a lot of pride in it. There isn’t always time or energy to make it great every day, but we all do the best we can and it does show. Thank you all for reading.

  5. Thanks for the video, Blake! Hits home for me with all the injuries I’ve had. Hope to have this hamstring sorted by new years so I can get back to normal operations.

  6. Liz

    Wow Great Video.. Makes you realize what’s possible when you get out of the way of self doubt and fear…. Thanks for posting…

  7. Haha I’ll be sure to go back to my usual defacing of the Justin Riley image next week after the season of thanks is over.

  8. I am too late to join the CFES team, but I just signed up to run the 10k and I will tag along with the rest of you–Blake, did ya find a good jog stroller? I used to have one that would fit you…

  9. Romeo Chinn

    Very neat post.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing.