Five 2 Minute Rounds:
Run 200m run
Max Power Snatch @ 65% 1 RM In Remaining Time
Rest 2 Minutes
The first 2 mintutes of the first video explains how we can test for hydration. Kstar also gives a couple of electrolyte options that can better hydrate you. I myself can admit I have come to the gym feeling wrecked and have a hard time stretching. As said in the video dehydration makes the sliding surfaces in our body tight and, as a result, not so sliding. The second video explains that a good rule of thumb is to take half of your bodyweight and drink that many ounces a day as a base. If you workout for an hour and your shirt is drenched in sweat, then you have lost quite a bit of electrolytes and should add 16-20 more ounces to that base number. In other words, drink up. If you are not going to the bathroom a lot, then you probably aren't hydrated.
I’m not giving up beer. Simple as that.
You might have noticed that the profile picture is me DRINKING A BEER. In fact a really, really good beer. Because it’s part of a life well lived. Cheers.
I don’t think anybody is giving Chris enough credit. I would be that he drinks equal parts water and beer. In fact, I can recall seeing him drinking water (I presumed it was water) from a bottle once. Plus beer doesn’t seem to be affecting his pressing power.
Matt P
Half my body wight in ounces is a lot of beer.
Oh well, if that is the secret to success, who am I to question it?
Matt: good man!
Aaron: by the way, just to show you I’m serious, I’m not only DRINKING BEER right now, I’M MAKING BEER!
Neolithic ERA revisited!
brother mike
Is it your body weight in kilos or pounds? Either way, half my body weight in ounces isn’t really that much beer (which is a commodity whose consumption is best measured in gallons anyway).
This sounds like the biggest crock of shit I have EVER heard, yes, worse that carbo loading and worse than paleo nuttiness. Look, are you telling me that a 200 lb. person, sitting or walking around in 68-70 F needs to drink 100 ounces of water?? What kind of obsessive compulsive shit is this??? I’m not doing anything other than a normal day and I NEED to do this? Where in the world other than this country, does any rational human being believe that they need to walk around with access to two gallons of water per day with NO exercise. You can scour the entire planet from the North Pole to Patagonia to the tropics and the Sahara desert and there are people doing work REAL WORK in intolerable conditions on less than 1/5 of that amount and I can guarantee you they are fully functional and healthier than most everyone in our box. Come on guys, a little common sense please! I gotta eat more protein than most carnivores, more green than most herbivores and now I gotta drink more than two gallons of water just sitting on my ass! Christ!! WTF are we going to obsess about next????