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Teams of 2
Each Partner Completes 3 Sets Of:

3 Rounds
12/10 Calorie Row
10 Burpee

Rest While Partner Works

photo-6We have to be more specific in how we write warmups. “Jump rope only” instead of “jump rope”. Michele took this opportunity to call her best friend Julia and talk about what happened since they last talked (my guess 15-20 minutes). Although this isn’t as hard as performing a triple under, it’s still pretty impressive.

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  1. Michelle, now I know why your neck and shoulders were bothering you on push presses last week!

  2. Annie R

    Wow, taking multi-tasking to a new level!

  3. Brother Mike

    For her next trick she will be calling her bestie on speakerphone from a public restroom. . .

  4. Thomas

    Talking on the phone while jumping rope. Looks pretty lame from here. Are we turning into 24 hr?

    • jessica

      I’d call Michele many thing, but lame isn’t one of them. She brings joy and encouragement with her every day, along with laughs! BUT… most importantly she works her ASS off and has skyrocketed since coming to CFES. The growth and strength we witness from Michele each and every day is nothing short of inspiring! She puts herself out there (in a pretty tough crowd, might I add). We share some good laughs. But her strength and beauty is a rare find. So, no. LAME is not in the list of words I, or anyone who actually knows Michele, would use to describe her.

    • Thomas

      Jessica if you read my words more carefully I said jumping rope while on the phone is lame. That’s all. It wasn’t personal. I apogize if it came off that way.

  5. Jason

    🙂 Too cute. Girl has MADD skill. Lol

  6. Sabrina

    My neck hurts just looking at that picture.

  7. laura goulding

    Hopefully, whomever your carrier is, Michelle, they have a good protection plan in the event your phone slips. 🙂 Talented maneuver you have going here.
    CFES…teaching you how to exercise on a busy schedule. 🙂

  8. Cherie

    I bet it was a PR!

  9. Michele

    @Jessica thank you for such a sweet post:) Im pretty new to crossfit, but it’s moments like this that I really enjoy being part of such an awesome group of people. I love you and will babysit any time! Michele

  10. Julia

    Michele, you are obviously extremely talented at multitasking among many other things. Love you sugar plum!
    And Thomas, don’t get your panties in a bunch, it’s only xfit bro!