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16 Team Throwdown and Member Party

1 Mile Run
Rest 3 Min

3 Min @ Each Station for Max Reps
DB Thrusters
Cal Row
Double Unders
Pull Ups


The past two years have been amazing! We see our members compete, grow and succeed in our inter-BOX throwdown. We ride the excitement created by the open and follow it up with a competition that is a blast!

THE FORMAT: DIFFERENT You are all included

Team Captains Selected by Travis – Lene

Teams will consist of 5 Members
1 Captain (Male or Female)
2 Males and 2 Females

Each team will have a Team Name!
There will be 1 Novice Male and 1 Novice Female (Under 1.5 Years of CrossFit)
There will be 1 Veteran Male and 2 Veteran Femail (Over 1.5 Years of CrossFit)
Exceptions to this rule above must be approved by Lene or Travis
Sign-Ups will be held on the back white board and your full name must be listed so proper team placement can be arranged!

There will be 3 Events which will only take 3 hours to pull off. The schedule is listed on the back wall of the gym along with the party information.

Workouts will be announced shortly after teams are formed so captains can actually coach and help their teams on the specific workouts.  Captains will be expected to meet with their teammates as a team or individually at least 1x per week as well as communicate via group e-mail and or comment section of our blog.

Make sure your e-mail is up to date in our system so that you will be sure to receive the invite to our after party.  We will need a head count to ensure the proper amount of food and H2O!

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  1. Yes! Will there be skits?

  2. itstanman

    When is this happening? Was a GREAT time last year!

  3. Jennifer R.

    Sorry Russ. That information is only available to Facebook junkies.
    Alright, alright.
    It’s 4.20. Hope the food is good…

  4. itstanman

    yeah, none of this paleo shit. lets get some tacos this year.

  5. Nikki

    S. Walsh lookin’ sexay!

  6. Jennifer R.

    Clarification: my food comment was in no way meant as criticism of last year’s fare. Instead, it was an allusion to the date. Ok, a lame allusion.

  7. This year we are getting FUNONIONS man!

  8. Itstanman

    Whose the goofy lookin chick in the blue tank with the facial hair? She still workout here?

  9. Hollis

    H20? Im out.

  10. Jennifer R.

    Somebody explain Hollis’ comment to me: did she just tell us that her water broke?

  11. HAHAHAHAHA! …wait, did it?