How Not To PR aka Start Your Week Off With A Laugh
Run 200m25 DeadliftsRun 200m 20 DeadliftsRun 200m15 DeadliftsRun 200m10 DeadliftsRun 200m5 Deadlifts@ 225/155 (scale…
Comparative Thinking...
20 Min AMRAPProwler or Sled 100' 90/50D/B Burpee-Squat Clean-Thruster for REPSRestOne athlete pushes/pulls for…
So What is your Desired Adaptation?
20 min of:3-3-3,4-4-4,5-5-5…Pull-UpsBurpeesBall SlamsEMOTM Perform the sequence of these 3 exercises increasing 1 Rep…
Stress ='s Adaptation
Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5 4 Rounds:10, 20, 30, 40 Suicide Yard Line Drill12 KB Swing…
Reminders and Rowing Oppritunity
For Time: Row 300 meters 20 Each KB Snatch 53/35 Row 300 meters15 Each…
Gettin' Loose.....and Less Sore
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 5 Rounds :30 work/:30 restBox Jump 36"/30"Toes To BarDeadlift @ 65% 1RM…
Frickin' Cherry Pickin' 9AM'ers
Rest Day This is the ENTIRE 9am class from Friday morning. What the hell…
What Has Crossfit Done For You?
Alternating Tabata:Double UndersHandstand Push Ups Ok we all know a lot about Cori, she…
Hottie With a PR Snatch Balance
3 Rounds For Time:800m Run15 Power Santch 135/95 Here is a great lift from…