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4th of July WOD on the River

In Groups of 3, Speed Deadlift
10 x 2 @ 60-65%
Rotate in order. I go, you go, you go, I go… for 10 sets as quickly as possible with the best form you can. Set up, get tight and try to move the bar explosively.

In your same team of 3,
AMRAP 15 min:
50m Sled Pull
Max Sandbag Clean 80/50
When the sled pull gets back, they rotate the sandbag, and sandbag rotates to rest and rest begins sled pull and so on for 15 minutes.  Team score is max sandbag cleans.

Here’s a video of last year’s 4th of July WOD at the American River.  We did this the previous year also.  It’s a ton of fun to be outside doing a WOD using our surroundings.  Please plan to make it this year.  All other classes will be cancelled on the 4th.

Meet @ Justin’s house at 7:45.  We will leave on foot to the WOD destination sharply at 8AM.  There is a morning parade in River Park every 4th.  If you are late, you will not be able to get into the neighborhood, so don’t screw around in the morning, be on time.  The WOD will be team style this year and will be fairly long compared to most WODs, so make sure to bring plenty of water, and you may want some sun screen as well as we really won’t be in the shade much.  Also, please register early for the class as usual on FDHQ, so we can get an accurate headcount for equipment needs.  Click here to register.

3851 Moddison Ave
Sacramento, CA 95819

It might be close to 2 hours by the time we get out there, set up, do the WOD, and walk back.  If you need to leave sooner, that is fine.  You are also welcome to hang out at our place and have a couple beers after the WOD.  If you want refreshments, beer, mimosas, etc. please BYO.

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