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A Couple PR’s From Saturday

Hang Power Clean 10-10-10-10-10-HA!

5 Rounds Each For Time:
12 Burpees
200m Row
21 Box Jumps 24"/20"
Rest 2:00

C & J PR's from CrossFit East Sac on Vimeo.

Here are some PR's from last Saturday's mock Olympic lifting competition. We attempted to teach them how the meet will run, give them a chance to learn some of the rules of the sport, and lift in kilos to get used to a different metric.

All these lifters are going with power cleans, which can be typical for beginning weightlifters. They have strong front squats, but the confidence to receive the bar on the shoulders in a deep position isn't quite there yet making the power clean a more comfortable choice for now. Matt actually did a split clean which is quite uncommon but perfectly allowed. It's kind of silly for him to avoid a 222# squat clean when he has a 300+ front squat, but we will get there eventually.

Adam had a slight bobble in his lift that may get called out in a USAW meet. He received the bar low on his chest and moved it up onto the shoulders. I have seen lifters get away with this in competition and I have seen lifters get a no lift call for this. Adam did it fairly quickly and in one motion, so he likely would have gotten away with this. We will definitely work on getting his elbows faster so there won't be a question on competition day.

Matt had some slight wobbling in his arms when he locked out the jerk, but it probably wasn't bad enough to get called. A bit more focus on staying tight and taking more time to recover will make Matt's lift cleaner and less likely to get called a no lift.

Overall these are good lifts and we will be looking for them to lift even more while wearing singlets in front of a crowd. Good job gang.

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