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Take A Look Around, Everybody Cool Is Doin’ It

5 Rounds For Time:
10 Deadlift 50% of 1RM
10 Push Ups
Run 200m

You keep telling your friends that they just have to come and try this CrossFit thing, but most of them are too intimidated to give it a try.  Gymnastics???  Heavy lifting???  Deep squats???
Every movement in CrossFit can be adjusted to every individuals ability level.  Judy, Jeanne, and Lance are shown above doing different progressions of the handstand push up.  Same workout, same benefit, different level of difficulty.

The reason this program works is because we focus on functional movements with a high degree benefits across a broad spectrum of human abilities.  We practice and perform these movements at an intensity level as high as each person can safely. 

Stop being scared and intimidated.  Get determined and stop by for a workout to see how this program has changed the lives of our members.  Call to schedule a consultation session.

To our current members, the proper procedure for introducing your friends to our program is to schedule a consultation session.  We want to make sure that we can spend quality time introducing them to the program.  If you show up with a guest unannounced, we may not have somebody here to spend extra the extra time it takes to get them through a workout.  You remember what it was like when you were new, it can be overwhelming.  We want you to bring your friends, but we need you to call to set up an appointment so we can show them what CrossFit is all about in a proper manner.  When you bring friends without an appointment, it takes away from our coaching responsibilities to the rest of our members.

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