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78kg Beast

Run 1 Mile
2 Minutes @ Each Station For Max Reps:
DB Thrusters 45/30
Double Unders
Med Ball Cleans 30/20
C2B Pullups

James Tatum is my size and is lifting insane amounts of weight. For those who still don’t know what a kilo is, he snatched 319# and clean and jerked 367# at a bodyweight of about 172#.

Obviously this guy is extremely strong, but notice how mobile he is. Look at his overhead flexibility when he catches the bar in the snatch. His head is well through the window and the bar is settled right over his traps even though he is diving forward to save the lift. Also, in both of the cleans that are shown, notice how low he catches the bar. He almost sits on the ground. The lesson here, mobilize yourself and do it often. Having a greater range of motion will help prevent injury, as well as, put less strain on the body. Being in good positions allows one to generate as much force as one possibly can. This also allows for increased efficiency, which means faster Fran times. In other words, if overhead squats are really hard for you, then snatching a bar safely is not happening. Fix those shoulders, hips, hamstrings, and ankles people! If you need ideas on what to do about your problem area(s) ask us!

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  1. Brother Mike

    Short article bout an upcoming AMA presentation on Crossfit workouts:

    • Justin Riley

      This article is greatly flawed. It does not take into consideration that the test subjects are highly unfit outside the realm of yogging. An experienced CrossFit athlete can maintain substantially higher intensity on Cindy that some yogger who can’t do push-ups and pull-ups. The focus on VO2 and calories completely misses the point of cross training and general fitness preparedness. Waste of a read, glad it was short.

      • Matt_P

        I agree.. the test subjects were CFing for 3 months. my power output from Cindy when I was a newbie was piss poor. Now Cindy is a hell of a workout.

        Plus, the measure of success that Runner’s World assigned was “calories burned,” we know now that is not how to judge a workout.

  2. Justin Riley

    Dude is a beast! Video didn’t load on my phone, but I clicked the error link the the back button on the safari browser and it came up.

  3. Jamie P

    What the heck is “Academic Fitness Academy” and why are they sending me emails with CFES’s address and phone number as their address and phone number??

  4. Jennifer R.

    Jamie, ask Lene.

    I am going to throw in with Justin and Matt on the running article. I have run less and less over the past four years. Over the past six weeks I didn’t run at all. My weight has stayed pretty stable. This is a big deal to me because I am trying to maintain a 50lb weight-loss.

    I would very much like to run more, but I have nagging running injuries. Crossfit hasn’t fixed these, but neither has it irritated them. So I couldn’t necessarily do the long distance running even if I wanted to (though I am trying to get myself healed so that I can make one more go at a sub 3:30 marathon.)

    There is a lot left out of the article. How much did the body composition of the runners change? (as in increased muscle mass) Is three months long enough to create that change?

    The way I have always understood it, the calorie burn in crossfit is partly determined by intensity but also partly determined by the increased muscle mass of the crossfitter.

    The article is correct in that if you are running 50 miles a week of varying speeds in order to get ready for an endurance race, then you are burning more than crossfit. But how many runners does this include?

    Also, if we take out the calorie burn issue and just focus on weight gain/loss/body fat % issue, the story grows even more complicated. For me (and I assume other Type A former compulsive eaters) running took the edge off of my compulsive eating. I was afraid CF wouldn’t do this, but like I said, my weight has stayed stable without me watching every calorie, so I am not complaining.

    Perhaps the real test would be to compare a serious crossfitter with a serious runner of the same age and gender. Who is more fit?

    • Matt_P

      Jen, I’ll take you up on that “real test” by comparing 35 year old me with 39 year old me. huh… CF won, it won the mile run this morning and it won all of that crap they made us do when we got back from the mile run.

  5. Justin Riley

    This conversation should have been on the articles own comment section. Would be great to see all the defensive runners spouting their piss poor logic.