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CrossFit Sucks! So Get Your Minds Right!

5 @ 70%
5 @ 75%
3 @ 80%
3 @ 85%
3 x 2 @ 90%

4 Rounds:
15 Unbroken Push Jerks (HAM)
Max Set Toes To Bar
Rest 3 Min

What is fun about working your ass off until you feel like your about to die?  Why learn these difficult and frustrating movements?  Why keep pushing yourself to perform miserable tasks day in and day out?  What is it that drives us to keep doing this?

If you don't have the answers to these questions, you better figure them out!  We are all different and we are all motivated by different goals.  Some are here to compete and become the fittest they possibly can be.  Others are here because they want to lose 50# and get their body back to a state of health.  Some are here because they enjoy the community and want to keep up with their friends.  Most people just want to look good and a few just want to show off.  It doesn't really matter as long as there is a goal in mind. 

Our boy AO works his ass off day after day whether anyone is around or not.  He knows what he wants and he will do things he loathes doing in hopes of coming closer to those goals.  Ever do a 10 minute max effort AirDyne test?  Well if you have then you might catch my drift here.  AO doesn't need anyone to cheer him on or tell him, "Good job buddy."  All he needs is his desire to become a stronger, more fit athlete and a desire to see just how far he can take that.

Even though we are all different in our motivations, there is one way we are all the same.  If we aren't motivated to work hard, we simply won't.  Lacking of motivation will quickly lead to lack of physical fitness, weight gain, decline of health and decline of well being.

Remember to find your motivation and fixate on it.  The actual act of doing CrossFit really sucks!  If you aren't really sure why you're here and are having trouble finding a reason to come back, get yourself a goal before it's too late.  Tell all your friends your goal so you will look like a jackass if you aren't working at it consistently.  Everyone will find road blocks along the way, and a little accountability goes a long way.  Family, work, and injuries will always stand in your way.  Every person has those excuses, so stop using them, you're not special.  Those of us who stay true to a goal or a set of goals will overcome even the most legitimate of excuses. 

Figure out what your true goals are and write them down somewhere where you will have to see them every day.  If you lose motivation, make new goals.  Whatever you do, don't come in here and float through your workouts.  If you do, you will float away to the land of fat, unhealthy and unhappy before you realize it, and you'll never get jacked and tan like AO.

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