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Firebreeder Smashing WODs

5 Sets For Max Weight Of:
Power Snatch+Snatch Grip Jerk+3 OHS

3 Minute AMRAP:
3 Hang Squat Snatch
6 C2B Pull ups
Rest 1 Minute
Repeat 3x


Last Friday Firebreeder Hollis showed up to the 430 Level 1 class ready to get after a wod. As you can see she was killin it! She was the first one off the rower and onto the kettlebell. Was the wod scaled because she is three weeks away from giving birth? Maybe……maybe not……..Anyway, it's awesome seeing all of our pregnant ladies in the box maintaining their healthy lifestyle. Your babies appreciate your hard work.

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  1. I love seeing all of the fierce, fit mamas-to-be in the box lately. You ladies are inspiring!

  2. harlan

    Hollis is pregnant? I thought she just had a few cinnamon rolls

  3. Leah B.

    I just wanted to encourage our gym members to sign up for this years OPEN. Almost two years ago, with no CF experience I walked thru the doors of CFES and joined the gym and in the same day signed up for the OPEN. It’s designed for all levels & ages so please don’t feel intimidated. We have one of the largest gyms in NorCal…lets show the region just how strong we are!!!

  4. Hollis

    I’m pregnant?? That explains soooo much. Oh, and I never scale WODs, AO. I’m games bound.

  5. donna

    Yay, hollis!

  6. Jessica

    You are amazing mama!! Good luck with the homestretch you’re almost there 🙂