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The new “real” intern

5 Rounds Each for Time:
10 Ground to Overhead 75/53
15 Bar Facing Burpees
20 Box Jumps 24"/20"
Rest exactly 2:00 minutes between rounds
Meet Stella. This new intern doesn't play around. She will sit and watch you workout all day and night never hesitating to correct your faults. Her mobility is stellar, gymnastics is totally easy for her and she can squat and deadlift anything less than 5lbs without a problem! Next time you have a question about a movement ask the new intern but don't be surprised if she says "nummy nummy" and puts her hands out. Remember she is Travis's baby so she thinks about food, A LOT!!! 

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  1. Jamie P

    Hahaha…that is if she has time between skateboarding on the X Games Circuit and walking in fashion runway shows in Paris. She’s kind of busy these days. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but she’s kind of a big deal. Soooo freakin cute.

  2. Stella is destined to be the Superwoman, no doubts – have you seen how her Superhero-dad trains her? Trav you are the coolest dad, btw! The picture is precious – looks like a baby has a shoe size 13+.

  3. What an awesome picture! Leave it to Stella the supermodel…always photogenic. I do think she could get her feet to her head w/o the band though.

  4. Theoretically I can back-squat with my dog now. If I bring her on Saturday will you help me, T or J?
    Can we do a WOD similar to this, please? If Stella agrees she can participate 🙂

  5. brother mike

    Olga, that squat with the dog looked like animal cruelty (guy needed to learn how to hold the dog) and it might be better to ask Matt P about having kids available for clean and jerk- with 3 he has enough for an Rx and scaled WODs.
    I see a glimmer in Stella’s eye in that picture that either says, “What crazy stuff is daddy having these people do to entertain me today?” or “When will I have a little Feil-Riley playmate?”

  6. Stella helps us build coordination and spatial awareness. The dogs are an added element of “don’t step on or drop weights on the little beings in the gym” 🙂

  7. All my kids are too light to clean and jerk. We do muscle snatches.

  8. brother mike

    Slow blog today. What is the over-under for the age at which Stella will be taller than Travis?

  9. brother mike

    Oh, and she is not taller than Travis right now.

  10. jen

    Stella is amazing. She’s currently doing weighted sippy cup carries with her teeth. Must be part of a new WOD she’s programming.
    I know most of you don’t have the pleasure of being there when Stella comes in… you’re really missing out on a good time!

  11. Gia

    Olga, I wanna do those hurdle things.
    Stella, you’re growing too fast.

  12. Anyone else looking for a drink to kick off the zombie apocalypse?
    Dave W- what time are you pick us all up for the rapture??
    1 part White Rum
    1 part Golden Rum
    1 part Dark Rum
    1 part Apricot Brandy
    1 part Pineapple Juice
    1 part Papaya Juice
    1/2 part 151-proof rum
    Dash of grenadine or other syrup
    Mix ingredients other than the 151 in a shaker with ice. Pour into glass and top with the high-proof rum.
    Typically served in a zombie or highball glass and garnished with a cherry.

  13. Jamie P

    Some more rapture fun: fill pairs of shoes with dry ice and leave randomly on the street.

  14. What a pretty smile, Stella!
    Re: the rapture, I’m just happy about how much better the traffic will be after tomorrow. But I have mixed feelings about the fact that the utter destruction of the earth to follow six months later is going to occur just a few days shy of my 40th birthday.

  15. brother mike

    Wait, so if the end of the world comes as predicted I will still turn 40 first. What kind of sick cosmic joke is that?

  16. This just in: Zombie drink very effective at warding off worries of zombies.

  17. Big Rob

    good thing I’ve been playing left 4 dead 2, now I’ll be all set for tomorrow.

  18. cort

    Stella does great hamstring pulls! lol!
    Todays WOD was a doooooosie! hey MattP… what does your back yard look like!? 😉

  19. LauraB

    Stella is so freakin cute!!! I love how she just poses naturally on the chair…with the slight look over the shoulder!!

  20. Gia, we’ll do it, yay!
    Brother Mike, this dog is just more energetic breed.