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Meet Elizabeth Eggert!

Bench Press

Then 3 Rounds of :45 work, :15sec rest
Bench Press 135/85
Box Jump 24"/20"
Double Unders
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull 70/53
Row for Calories 


    For a long time my dad had been trying to get me to join him in a WOD. But seeing the astonishing exhaustion he endured after doing these workouts involving large tires and barbells made me turn the other way and simply say “noo thank you.” To be honest I was really intimidated. Everyone seemed so extreme and I didn’t know if I wanted that level of competitive intensity. I heard from other people that the trainers make you work until you puke, and the concept of someone screaming in your face as you cry and throw up from exhaustion did not particularly appeal to me. I was fine sticking with the elliptical.

    But then one day, something clicked, and I decided to give Crossfit a try. Maybe it was the excruciating boredom of the same routines at the gym, or the results, which were mediocre at best. But I feel it was mostly my lack of motivation for really anything, not only working out. I needed both a mental and physical boost and finally recognized that Crossfit could be the solution.

    I met with Brooke for the first time in November of last year. I remember immediately being in awe of this small, sharp-mouthed coach who was probably the fittest female I’ve ever met. Even though I knew it was unreasonable, I couldn’t help but compare myself to her and the intense Level 1 athletes. I couldn’t do a pull up, remember the names of any lift, stretch, or piece of equipment, and I overall felt pretty weak. But Brooke was so encouraging and patient, and the whole atmosphere at the box was so fun that I had to keep coming back.

    I started off coming twice a week, slowly learning movements and getting accustomed to the types of workouts. Then I moved on to three times a week; then four…I couldn’t get enough.

    Now I’m hooked on Crossfit…I definitely drank the Kool-Aid. So why do I love Crossfit? What exactly has caused such an addiction? I figured a list would suffice.

I love Crossfit because…

#1 I’ve become stronger.

#2 despite the strenuous workouts I have more energy.

#3 it has shown me that I am capable of more than I thought. I still surprise myself at the weight I can lift and the movements I am learning.

#4 I’ve met people not only from CFES, but also students who are going to my college from around the country who also Crossfit. Talking about Crossfit with people has helped me make new friendships and served as a basis of conversation with people I haven’t talked to in awhile.

#5 the hardcore (intimidating Level 1) athletes inspire me to push myself harder.

#6 how I feel after a strong workout…that is after the nausea dies down…but the feeling of exhaustion and satisfaction is awesome.

#7 the cult-like atmosphere- the extreme dedication to checking the website every day, the nonstop talk about workouts or PRs or anything Crossfit-related, the barbeques they host, and the people who are really just one big family.

#8 I never get bored!! It’s exciting not knowing what you’ll be lifting, throwing, pushing, or climbing each day!

#9 I’ve learned a lot about nutrition (thank you Anne and Brooke!) that will help me during college and mainly the rest of my life.

#10 BROOKE! She pushes me every day and is a great, supportive coach.

#11 the emotional attachment I have with it. I’ve never been so passionate about working out before. When I don’t perform as well as I think I could have, I get mad and frustrated. And when I succeed, the feeling of accomplishment is that much greater.

#12 finally, with all honesty I feel like a badass when I say I do Crossfit and people’s jaws drop.

    My passion for Crossfit is growing and I will continue doing it through college and hopefully long after. I’m lucky to have become a part of the Crossfit community at a younger age because what I’ve learned about fitness and nutrition will help me live a healthier and longer life. Overall Crossfit has done more for me than I ever thought it would. It’s gotten me off the couch eating junk after school and made me more active. Thanks to Crossfit, I’m at last feeling young and fit…soon I’ll be feeling like a 5-year-old again.

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  1. Good stuff Elizabeth! Keep it up!

  2. Elizabeth: that’s hoya saxa! Absolutely agree with your reasons for liking Crossfit. Cheers.

  3. brother mike

    Elizabeth, I hadn’t seen you for a few months and then ran into you the other day- you look great, glad you feel as good as you look.
    Apparently sharp-mouthed is the nice way to say potty-mouthed [gotta get a last few jabs in on Brooke before she leaves us for the great land of constant rain].
    Also, for those of us quickly approaching 40 and hoping to feel 25 again (of course if I just have a case of beer, I am pretty sure that was how I was feeling most of 25) it is nice to see that the younger crowd longs to fee five again.

  4. Elizabeth, I have watched you train with Brooke several times and I am impressed with your improvement and intensity, keep it up!

  5. Elizabeth, there are 12 things I like about you already.
    I now feel nostalgic about Newbie Throwdown and those pre-event jitters and excitement. There were several people taking pictures on Saturday, and before you get rid off them could you e-mail me some of the agonizing images(especially with me and team “F. the Bucket” on them) to, please?

  6. Go Elizabeth! That is really freaking awesome. Great story! I’d love to feel 5 again myself. I used to be able to do the splits and all. Totally get where you’re coming from. Hope to see you around the box more. I saw Brooke working with you during the open. It was great to watch you push your limits and discover your limits, then destroy them!

  7. Eliz,
    I have been training your pops now for over 5 years. There is a certain Army Ranger determination that I can now see runs through your blood too. I am so glad you took the leap into the unknown and unknowable. It has been awesome to watch the progress you have made in short time with the Eggert work ethic and mentality. I hope you find a good group to CF with at college. If not, you could be the next cult leader of this awesome organization.

  8. So cool to see one more person find her inner badass! Great job, Elizabeth!

  9. Ashley D

    I look forward to seeing and working out with you at CFES Elizabeth. Loved your post this morning!

  10. Go Elizabeth!! You captured many of the reasons I drag myself to the box 3x a week. Thanks for sharing your perspective about why this sport rocks!!

  11. Hopefully the “rule of 20” is being relaxed for today’s blog minimum comment.

  12. I s’pose 6 weeks of non-stop blogging wipes people out. Or is it the weather?
    See if these two remind you of newbie crossfitters.

  13. Some link goodness 🙂 CrossFit inspired “BREATHE”

  14. Edgar

    Very impresive Elizabeth!
    Yes, I agree. I think the blog is experiencing a post open/throwdown lull. I couldnt get my butt up for class this morning but I wouldnt be surprised if attendance took a dip today.
    It is kind of going to church the sunday after easter… never the same!

  15. Edgar: I’d like to use that Church analogy sometime. Clever!

  16. Elizabeth – When you head for college, be a CF cult leader. You are inspiring!

  17. Gia

    Olga I think we’re too sore to lift our arms. Or else, there’s no trash talking to be had with the throwdown over! I’m sure someone will stir up some trouble, though…it’s just a matter of time.
    Anyone wanna talk about female body image? hahaha, I couldn’t help myself.

  18. Olga – I sent you some pictures – Enjoy

  19. Consider me a CF drop-out for the day. I opted for a hot rock massage. Don’t want to ruin the glow from that.

  20. Granpa John – I believe you were the one taking pics during the chipper for “3 jerks and a snatch”. If by chance you got any of me (wore red U of AZ t-shirt) or Matt P, can you please send them to It would be much appreciated!!
    Elizabeth-fantastic attitude and testimonial! You are so lucky to have figured this out so young.
    10 rounds of 3 DLs, 6 slam balls, and 9 double unders was nooooooo fun after Saturday. But it was totally awesome to see Dawn fly through it!! Seriously, take that Level 1 Test already, Dawn!!

  21. Jamie P

    Sorry….Matt P’s comment was really mine….didn’t notice he was already logged in…My bad!

  22. Granpa John, thank you. Those are exactly what I wanted. Anybody else?
    Gia, you’re right… Btw, hell with Paleo nutrition for a few days. I got an apple pie from Apple hill and devoured like half of it on Sunday.
    Both 6 am classes were packed today, shocking…

  23. brother mike

    Wait, you want trash talk and a full blog? I sometimes try to be nice when the blog topic is something or someone that I want to be nice about, but seems to me that Superfreak was the #3 team at the newbie throwdown- behind the orphans (which was really 5 people including Ballas who has been a member for like 4 years) and Team Work (not sure how Lauren C. qualifies as a newbie, unless they are counting her new membership after taking the winter off for snowboarding).
    But Orphans and Team Work aside, that means that Superfreak out goat sucked the Chupacabras, out anal glanded the honey badgers, out crapped The Bear in the woods, out puked Fill the Bucket, and out inhaled the Fire Smellers. The only thing we didn’t beat was the surprise competition of picking Justin’s chest hair out of our teeth- and Scott won that competition hands, and whipped cream, down!

  24. Interestingly enough, I enjoyed the DL/Slamball/DU today!

  25. Anyone ever wondered what the sound of one man trash talking was like?
    Yeah, me either.

  26. My friend sent me some blurry photos, but I would love a good one (or 2) if anyone has them. I was the Super Freak with a black headband. Derek, I think I saw you in front of me during thrusters,with a camera, but it was hard to tell through the pain.

  27. I would love to see a video mashup like there has been for previous events. Any chance of adding some Newbie Throwdown goodness to the CF East Sac Videos section?

  28. brother mike

    Look: K-Starr with a gun.

  29. Super late post… Will do again tomorrow. I know somebody caught a shot of me PRing on my DL. I would LOVE that shot! I love you long time.

  30. cort

    I had to leave early on Saturday so I was bummed to miss the skits… BUT I have been lucky enought to see them all now and have to say… unFLIPPINreal! What a blast! 🙂