5 Rounds:
1 Minute Max Effort Row
3 Minute Rest
3 Rounds:
2 Minute Row @ 90% Effort
1 Minute Rest
5 Miunte Row @ 80% Effort
This story was brought to my attention by our former member and beloved friend Dave Wright whose wife Annie is now a member at Shoreline CF. Dave asked me if we would post this and try to rally support for this family. Of course we will.
The event at Shoreline will have people doing 4 of the CF Benchmark Girl WODS. I don't want to kill anyone on a normal Saturday morning training session, so here's what we will do. We will form teams of 2 and 4 and split up the WODs. For those of you who would like to do a double day, we will pair you up and each of you can do two of the girls. For those who aren't in the mood for a double day, we will form teams of 4 atheltes and you can each do one of the girls. As always scaling will be encouraged where appropriate.
If you want to start planning your own teams and pick who will do what WODs, go for it. Otherwise we will pair you all up and get it squared away on Saturday morning. If anyone wants to go for all 4 in a day, be my guest.
The WODs are the following:
(if you don't know these by heart, better ax somebody)
Please watch the preceeding video and consider making a donation even if you can't participate in the WODs. It's a great thing to be a part of a community where you can revieve support from people you don't even know. Click here to read the full story and make a donation. Every little bit helps.