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Get New Range

Alternating For Time:
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 L-Pull Ups
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Handstand Push Ups

Here's the deal.  2+ years ago, we showed you all how to do partial range of motion handstand push ups hoping that turning you upside down and learning to press would lead to a full handstand push up over time.  2+ years later, it hasn't worked for a single person.  We have shown you new methods, and most of you have ignored them.  So what do we do?  Listen to your coach and find a way to add range of motion.

The only way you are ever going to gain strength in a new range of motion is by working in that range.  Dawn is shown on the left doing the abolished partial range HSPU, these are no longer allowed due to lack of efficacy.  There are many ways to scale the HSPU that add range of motion such as the one shown on the right.  Take some plates, boxes, or parallettes and a band tied to the pull up bars.  Lean through the band and put your feet up on the wall like a wall walk.  Make yourself go even farther down than the RX version of the HSPU.  Lets try a different aproach and see if we can get a better result eh?

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