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Announcing KB S&C Classes

3 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
21 KB Swings 53/35
12 Pull Ups

6a010534fc7768970b01348995a40e970cIt’s time to get your butts tuned up on your KB skills.  The KB is an amazing strength and conditioning tool, one that is somewhat under-utilized in our current programming.

KB Strength and Conditioning will be a “CrossFit-style” class that will be offered to all members just as our normally scheduled classes.  The classes will be Monday and Wednesday nights at 5PM starting this coming Monday!

Darrin will be leading the classes.  You can expect to do a warmup, followed by some mobility work, followed by KB specific skills and strength training.   All classes will conclude with a CrossFit-style mixed-modality workout that will center around the KB and will leave you laying in a puddle of your own sweat.

For now, these classes will be limited to the first 6 people to register.  KB strength and skills are an amazing part of varied functional training and I can tell you that many of you could seriously benefit from specialized KB coaching, skills, and drills.  Just think of it as a CrossFit class that centers around the KB instead of the barbell.  Now sign up before it fills up.

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