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Announcing The Competitor Training Program

Run 1 Mile For Time
Rest 10 Minutes
Run 1 Mile For Time
For those of you who wish to breathe fire and want to compete at your highest level, we are announcing a new training program aimed to take you to your true potential.

Although our general programming is exceptionally good, it is aimed at developing general fitness over time.  In order for a competitior to maximize their true potential in the realm of fitness competition, it is nessecary to address individual weaknesses and focus on the skills we are likely to see in competition.

This program is aimed at those who are already at a high fitness level and are wanting to fine tune their skills.  It is also aimed to get the top level competitors in our gym together, training as a team, and pushing each other beyond mental barriers.

The cost for the program will be $250 per month.  This includes your gym membership, continual evaluation of skills and abilities, monthly meeting with a coach to discuss individual goals and individualized programming designed to meet those goals, and access to open gym during our normally scheduled hours.  It will also include access a weekly schedule of classes where you have a dedicated coach to help with your individualized WODs.

Schedule for competitor classes will be as follows:
Picture 2

IMG_3413I have already started introducing this program to some of our competitiors and we are already seeing the benefits.  Early this week Leah, Cori, Liz, and Sarah W got to train togehter on overhead squats, and we went 4 for 4 on PR's 133, 133, 108, and 143 respectively. 

Training takes on a different intensity when you are trainng with others who are similar in ability and share a common goal.  These gals were yelling for each other and doing happy dances as the PR's were flying left and right.  After the lifts, Leah hit her first muscle up, Cori made picked up some new skills on her muscle up, and Sarah took the top spot on the board for the 2K row.  This is the kind of training environment that is going to keep this gym in the hunt for a games spot.

It is time to officially get this thing going and start our journey down the road to the 2012 CF Games.
contact to enroll.

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