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Help me Procrastinate

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3

Justin's Idol…

Partner WOD
100 Meter Farmer's Walk 90#
Max Pullups 

    As you may already know I recently started back at school and thus have had less opportunity to spend my days in the gym with you lovely people.  With that said I've been finding it increasingly difficult to procrastinate from school by reading CrossFit material because I'm simply running low on material to read.  I'd appreciate it if you all could offer up some of your favorite sources as I will.

    With that being said I wanted to share with you some of the blogs that I like to follow.  Looking through these will give you some insight into how much work goes into competing at highest level.  With that being said however, I want to point out that in order to become as elite as these athletes, does not mean it will be best if you follow that training program.  These athletes are able to handle the volume of their training because they have worked so hard for so long.  This is the reason that the majority of high level CrossFit athletes are crossovers from other sports.  Now they may not have always done what we consider CrossFit but they've performed high intensity functional movement their entire life.  There is no magic formula or workout plan that will take you from good to great.  Consistency with your training, nutrition, and recovery is the formula.  Be patient with yourself and LEARN TO MOVE WITH EFFICIENCY, this cannot be stressed enough.  Your fitness is a long term endeavor.  It does not come over night.

James Fitzgerald's blog

Blair Morrison's Blog 

Joey Warren's Blog

Crossfit Journal

T-Nation -may not be everybody's style but a good resource if you have a fitness question on your mind.  Just as you would with any other discussion board take everything with a grain of salt.

Nick Urankar

Nate Schrader

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  1. Thanks Matt P. and Angela for all the encouragement and tutelage today. You two may be the best, although most mismatched, Crossfit nems I’ve seen yet.

  2. Ari- great job today. And yes, Angela and I are very competitive in the CF Nemisis program. She got me today by a wide margin, I need to really work on my 3 rep push press if I want to compete with her.

  3. Matt and Angela, you 2 are going to love this post.
    I just got contacted for a chat with someone in Illinois. He was a paid volunteer for a graduate student’s study. He was asked to fight 12 times (in a ring, with pads, but street fight stuff) a women who is Crossfit trained. He said she is kicking his butt. They have had 4 fights and he is losing each time.
    He admits he is not athletic, but he had no idea a woman could be that strong. He is 6 feet tall and she is only 5’8″ and 25 pounds lighter, so he thought “No way. I will never get beat” I had to explain the explosive power and the competative drive of Crossfit women. And also explain, he was just an innate object. She was just trying a new sport and he just happened to be in the ring as her chosen competitor.
    He feels humiliated and said “I can’t escape and win”. See, she keeps knocking him down afer a few punches and then locking him in a leg hold so he cannot breathe. I told he she would probably think it was great if he could ever escape from her leg lock Then I told him, don’t have a quitter attitude, watch some MMA and get some new moves. But I still hope she wins….He promised to keep me posted.

  4. Today’s foundation workout was 4 x 800 meters with Turkish get-ups, double unders, and hollow rocks. I seriously thought that it would be interesting to add 100 burpees for time at the end. I didn’t quite have the spirit for it. Maybe next time.
    Tash: I can’t help but think that man is an idiot.