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Another Open WOD Bites The Dust

4 Sets:
DB Walking Lunge 8-12 Each Leg
DB Strict Press 8-12 Reps
45 Seconds of Flutter Kicks
Rest 30 Seconds Between Movements

For Time:
50 Burpees
40 KB Swings 53/35

RX+ KB Snatch

photo-5The chipper WOD that was 14.4 chipped away at our souls. If you have to finish that one today good luck! For those that completed it this past weekend great job. Don’t forget to submit your scores. One more left!

This is Big John after smashing the cleans and having at least a full minute to get a muscle up. Did he get one? Unfortunately no. We were yelling at him to get up off the ground and try, but all we saw was John’s middle finger. Oh well, maybe next time!

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  1. Sabrina

    Great job, John! Thank god there’s only one more of these.

    • Calvin

      I dunno, Sabrina. I think you’ve got some upcoming wods that are much tougher than anything CF HQ has come up with so far.

  2. Thomas

    Nice work John! You always inspire me with how hard you work.

  3. Kelly E

    I love this picture, John-it looks like you are trying to find a way to escape from your own body. Awesome performance to have witnessed.

  4. John Michelmore

    That was painful……but, then again, most WOD’s here are, especially in the OPEN. You do what you can. Thanks Aaron………..of course, not really!

  5. angela

    John, you did a great job! There’s a lot of us who would give anything to be in that exact spot. Done and done!

  6. Michelmore is a mental beast. I have seen John continue to do chest to bar pull ups with his palms literally falling off in the middle of competition. I have seen him work as hard as he can and tackle weaknesses day in and day out for years now. Really got to hand it to this guy for toughness. He’s got two sons who are the exact same way. Something beastly in the Michelmore genes.