Squat Clean
Then for time:
Row 50 Calories
45 Squat Cleans @40% of 1RM
30 Burpees with 1' vertical leap (12" over max reach)
We all find ourselves at this moment at some point during our training. You find yourself completely exhausted, nauseous and second guessing what the hell you are doing to yourself! Here is Shem working his ass off on his pull-ups during a recent foundations WOD. Nice job dude.
Are pull-ups one of Shem's goats? Who knows but pull-ups are usually one of the movements that we all struggled with when we first started CrossFit. What are you doing to work on your goats? A goat in CrossFit refers to any movement that you believe you suck at or don't like doing. Any goats coming to mind? How bout handstands, rowing/running, double unders or muscle-ups? With everything that we have to practice in CrossFit the list can feel overwhelming at times but, targeting a few at a time will help you become a jack of all trades sooner than later. Face your weaknesses and get after those goats. A great time to work on your goats is before or after class. You say what????? Yeah its your job to work on the things you hate not ours. We all have our own goats.
liz ross
Good Morning CFES! Nice job to all the folks that did Round Two of WOD 1..
Monica, Sean & Edgar… Can we hit our team WOD either Mon or Tues this week at 6:30?? Please email me at lross@meringcarson.com or shoot me a text to 549-6130.. Looking forward to working out with you guys. Monica let’s chat about Open Gym time and what you should be working on I can try and join you this week.
So I guess I should work on my snatch.
Scott Charles
I suppose I should work on my jerk. Off to a good start so far today.
Ashley Drummond
Where do I begin with things to work on? Overhead squatting is probably priority number 1. Thanks for the motivation Brooke!
brother mike
I worked on my overhead squat for about 45 minutes on Friday (which will forever be known as CFES Mad Dog 20/20 night) and got a 45# PR. This friday I will be working on hand stand push ups and butterfly pull ups. On the list- squat snatch, jerk, ring dips, bench press, shoulder (strict press).
In my opinion, if you have been here more than a month, you should have a list of goats. Morer than 3 months, a prioritized list and have some of the goats crossed off your list already.
Liz – I just emailed you from my work email. Let me know if you do not get it.
I thought about creating a list this weekend, but the sheer number of things that I would need to put on it got the better of me. I suppose that I should go back to the drawing board and actually start it this time. Thanks for the push Brooke!
Amy Muraki
the only thing i am working on right now is a bed sore…..
on complete bed rest for now!
see you all soon!
Matt P
It’s a trick… Everything is a goat.
Got a 200# back squat, you will want a 225#, you can do HSPU? But can you handstand walk? Got. 36″ box jump, well there’s a 42″ box with your name on it… Have you joined the 400# DL club? The BFT is waiting to be picked up… Got. 4:00 Fran? What about heavy Fran?
This is the beauty of CrossFit, there is always room for improvement. I know working on my goats is one of the more rewarding things I get the chance to do in the gym.
Thanks for the reminder Brooke… Time to work on my handstand walk.
Ari, Sean V., and Brian P., get ready to work on our herd of goats tonight. Ba-aa-aa!
Sean V.
Oh, snap. This is gonna be great… In a sort of “OMFG please let me die already” kind of way.
Not everything Matt! II don’t think running can be considered a goat for u.
I’ve been in Shem’s position quite a few times! Travis worked w/ me on my swing last time which I’m excited to practice — but normally I screw the goat on pull ups every time!
brother mike
Cherie, you can always run faster.
Sabrina, making ba-aa-aa noises might excite Travis, be careful.
Ryan Lippmann
Great reminder Brooke!
Matt P – thanks for making my list a lot longer, but you are right on many levels. Basically “good enough” is a bullshit cop out.
I’ll remind Travis of this when he cuts our warmup short next time.
Ryan Lippmann
also – do we know when WOD #2 gets published?
Sean V.
Ryan, it flies out of the gate tomorrow… that is if all goes according to plan.
A little military communications lession, because saying “fuck” is often offensive and can get you in trouble.
1. Goat Rope or Goat = Cluster Fuck or confusing, disorganized situation often attributed to or marked by human error.
2. SNAFU = Situation Normal, All Fucked Up – Thing are running normally.
3. FUBAR = Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition – Burn it to the ground and start over from scratch; it’s totally destroyed.
Big Rob
4. F.T.F.F.= Fuck the Fucking Fuckers…. many peoples response to double unders after two weeks.
Harlan Karnofsky
Team TIGER BLOOD eats goats for breakfast
Ashley Drummond
and lunch, and dinner. All day.
Sean V.
Harlan and Ashley… Oh, no you DI’N’T!
Ashley Drummond
Oh yes we most certainly did! Let the trash talking begin…
Yum, cabrito! We have a Texas-sized BBQ smoker in the backyard for just that very purpose.
Sean V.
So, Harlan and Ashley… I took a look around and goat seems quite Paleo. Stamp of approval.

It’s what’s for dinner.
Olga B
Nice work Shem.
I’ve been trying to figure out a way around these rubber bands. Maybe next time I’ll try duct tape, huh Brooke? 🙂 Padding on the wall would be nice too.
All this talk of goat has me hungry for some birria. Never had the real thing. Anyone know of a place in town that does it right?
What if you don’t know if you do or don’t suck at it? I have never done a muscle up attempt, but I might just totally suck at it based on suggestions from this blog that it is harder than you think. So is this the “wolf” in Crossfit, i.e., that thing that is going to sneak around the corner and rip my guts out? or create wild howls of pain?
Scott Charles
Bite me, goats!
Granpa John
Shem – I so relate to just hanging there… thinking “oh this is going to help -> NOT”. Keep up the good work, pat yourself on the back – ’cause you did it.