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You Know Your Getting Strong When…

Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1 Reps

21-15-9 of
Box Jump 24/20
KB Swing 70/44

You all may have noticed that we have been going heavy a lot.  We always have since we opened.  If not just working on a single lift we were using relatively heavy lifts in conditioning WODs. Yesterday was a good example of why we make you work on strength so much.  We intended the weights to be light enough to be manageable at a high work rate, about 60% of 1 RM.  The awesome thing is that most of the women are now considering 85-115# as light high rep weights.  The men were ranging from 135-185#.  We saw many of you do unbroken sets of 15 completely safely with excellent form!  Looking around the room today only the newest members were using training plates.  You all are able to lift this kind of weight at high repetition quickly because your maximal strength is much higher than before.  As your 1 rep maxes increase, so do the weights you can handle in a
timed conditioning workout with high reps and multiple rounds. This would not be possible so quickly without an emphasis on strength training.  The ability to move heavy weights quickly gives a very powerful tool to help us keep increasing our work capacities and getting fitter.  Great work to all of our athetes!  Keep up the hard work and keep getting stronger!

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