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Receiving The Bar

3 Rounds For Time:
21 Ring Dips
15 Deadlifts 185/115
Run 400m

Now that you all have learned to always Oly lift using a hook grip, it is time to start practicing releasing that grip to receive the bar on the shoulders.  There is an important instant when attempting a heavy clean where you have to commit to putting your body between the floor and the barbell.  At first when dealing with lighter weights is is easy to flip your elbows under the bar and support the weight in your hands, BAD HABIT!  As you start to unleash the potential of your hips, you will soon be able to elevate significantly more weight than you can support in your hands.  Here is where commitment must be at an all time high and you have to get those elbows all the way around into a solid front rack position.  You must learn to receive the bar on your shoulders with an open relaxed grip.  Just your fingertips will be under the bar.  It is essential for speed and complete rotation of the elbows that the grip is released right at the instant that you pull under the barbell.  Practice receiving the bar quickly, properly and completely with the shoulders starting with an empty barbell.  Slowly add weight building your confidence and learn to receive the heaviest of weights with those shoulders.  This will put you on track for success in your cleaning endeavors.

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