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Benchmark Monday

20 Minute AMRAP:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 AirSquats

Today we are doing a classic CrossFit Benchmark WOD. Whether your goal is to get 10, 20, or 30 rounds, you need to be efficient with your pull ups. In other words, the 5 pull ups each round need to be unbroken. Take one of the great cues in this video and focus on making each set of pull ups as efficient as possible. Jumping, kipping, or butterfly pull ups. Make them look good.

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  1. Brother Mike

    While our coaches give great advice on a regular basis, once in a while something really sticks. After years of pull up advice I heard one of the coaches say that for serious athletes, pull ups are no different than burpees: it is just moving your body (in this case with a bar). Just a different way to look at the pull up.

  2. Brother Mike

    Here is some pacing advice for Cindy:

    “The best pace is suicide pace, and today looks like a good day to die.”

    – Steve Prefontaine

  3. Brother Mike

    The Rx group did a Klokov Complex today. For those of you who haven’t seen this badass lift, here he is doing his complex at 205 kilos:

  4. Brother Mike

    So many people focus on the pull up and the push up part of Cindy, that I think once in a while we should look at the air squat too. Here is Chris Spealler doing just that:

  5. Brother Mike

    Not to forget about the push ups (my least favorite part of Cindy), here is Carl Paoli (crossfit’s reigning gymnastics guru) on push up progression:

  6. Brother Mike

    Just a bit of Cindy trivia:

    The generally accepted record for Cindy is 38 rounds by Chris Spealler.

  7. Sabrina

    I guess it’s Brother Mike day in the comments section.

  8. And it was all good stuff except the cyndi lauper video.