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Big Saturday for CFES Athletes and Coaches

Rest Day

All over NorCal from San Fran, to Sac, up to Oroville we had people competing in various events yesterday.

IMG_1993At the LaLanne event in San Fran Sabrina, Trey and Donna competed as masters and Sabrina pulled off a huge win in the event!  So proud of her, she busts her ass more consistently than just about anyone else in our gym.



IMG_7561Up in Oroville at Level 10 was the Summer Strength Challenge where Alan finished 10th out of 80 and Leah took 5th out of 40.  Great work you two, the Level 10 SSC is always a tough comp chalked full of bad ass athletes.  Also a shout to coach Amber for a 7th place finish!


Here in town, we had the USAW Tommy Kono Open where a number of athletes competed for their totals in the snatch and clean & jerk.  Jen Reynaga and Suzi Leon started off in the the morning group, Jen hitting meet PRs over last year and Suzi going 6 for 6 in her 1st ever lifting meet.

IMG_2933Cherie lifted next and ended up taking 3rd place in the kg weight class with a 51k snatch (112#) and a 67k clean and jerk (147).




IMG_2931Matt and I lifted next.  Matt tried to open big and ended up missing his C&Js so no total this year even though he was looking very strong.  I ended up taking 3rd unexpectedly in the 94k class (206#) with a 106k snatch (233#) and a 132k C&J (290#).



IMG_0388-1 copyLaura Bennett, Tash and Rae were up in the evening (6-9PM!)  Congrats to Laura on her first lifting meet and Tash for her second year at the Kono.  Coach Rae won the 75kg weight class with a 68k snatch (150#) and a 93k C&J (205#)!!! Rae’s first USAW meet was last year at the Kono, and this was a 21k increase on her total in one year!

Big thanks to coach Kari for running a great private lifting program and her excellent coaching at the meet.

The amount time spent on training and competing for all of these athletes is great.  We are proud of you all for your hard training and getting involved in events where your skills are put to the test.  For some it’s not easy to put yourself out there in this manner.  Competing means being committed to training, and putting yourself in an uncomfortable position where it’s possible that you may publicly fail.  Of course your friends and training partners will still support you regardless of your performance, but it is still a high pressure situation that you chose to put yourself into.  At the end of the day, win or lose, novice or elite, competing is a great experience and you’re all better off for chasing goals and having laid it all out there!  Proud to be a part of this community on this day.

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