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Box Humps

This blog, started last week, was titleless but was pleasantly awarded its BOX HUMPS title after witnessing Friday’s wod.  Lets just say somebody thought you were supposed to “mount” the box as opposed to land feet first.  It was quite the sight, but kudos for going balls to the wall… or shall we say balls to the box. 

Lets jump right into it (no pun intended) some of you struggle getting off the ground.  Unlike the example of squatting down properly to pick up that good old heavy bag of dog food, you really don’t find yourself just jumping in everyday life.  Maybe you find yourself jumping in a drunken stupor as you launch into the air to catch a XXXL t-shirt at a concert? Or maybe you jump to reach that annoying cobweb that has been haunting you? Jumping is something that usually doesn’t really occur on a daily basis.  So, how can we get better at it?

For starters, we can do it more.  In those 3 minute jumping rope warm-ups, are you jumping the entire time? Secondly, working on strength and balance helps tremendously.  Jumping requires all your muscles to work together with proper body angles and rhythm.  Watch this video and take note of the following:  their feet, the way they use their arms, the power in their hips, the ridiculous strength in their midsection, and overall check out the fricking creativity and guts.

(Also, watch the Parkour Generations:  Rendezvous 2. Its much longer but shows training regime & techniques.)

Okay, back to jumping.  Who is jealous of the kangaroo looking CrossFitters who are able to go right into the next jump without hesitation?  The jump, land, reset, jump, land, reset method is great when you are getting started.  In order to take it to the next level, you must learn from the guys in the video.  First of all be brave!  If you think you can't, you won't.  Next, be light on your feet.  Toes should be dorsi flexed and the muscles in your legs need to be prepared to land softly which requires great strength.  Your arms are your friend, so let them help you and find the proper rhythm.  Do a little experiment by trying to jump with your arms glued to your sides.  Now, try and jump again actively and aggressively using your arms!  Posture is also imperative.  Typical flaws include tipping the head down, which tends to round the upper back and collapse the core.  Lastly, focus on the ground movements instead of landing on the box.  Granted that is riskier because you may hit your legs and leave shin skin on the box.

As mentioned earlier, jumping isn’t really something done in typical everyday life.  The cool thing is you don’t need a reason to jump.  So think outside the box, jump on the box, or simply jump!  Life is short.

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  1. Watching that video, my first thought was how proud our monkey ancestors would be of these guys.

  2. Natasha Nelson

    Can’t get Typepad to recognize my Facebook. Must be a glitch.
    I noticed a week ago that there was a request to also say something on the blog about a skill that you are good at, but I was out of town at the time. So here is my opportunity. I am good a box jumps and like it when they are part of the WOD. My highest so far is 36″, but I was told I had a few inches to spare, so I should try for me.

  3. The water was perfect for laps. Although I noticed people thinking it was “cold” water at first, I am sure no one said that after the second lap into the WOD.