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Caveman Birthday Cupcake

4 Rounds For Time:
400m Row
10 Pistols Alternating
5 Hang Cleans 225/135

 As a birthday gift my thoughtful coworkers took the paleo diet to the next level with this bacon wrapped meatball cupcake. The frosting is sweet potato puree topped with raw almonds. I'm all for healthy eating habits, but on one's birthday a true insulin spiking baked good is needed.

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  1. brother mike

    Pretty creative.
    Almost as creative as say . . . . hmmmm . . . . a Newbie Throwdown could be.

  2. I bet that actually tasted good, but the presentation needs work.

  3. brother mike

    Slow blog today, come on there is bacon on the page and Matt P. hasn’t said anything yet?
    On a food related note, I have never made fava beans but since a bunch of vendors had them at the farmers’ market I decided to buy some. Other than serve them with human liver and a nice chianti, anyone have tips on what to do with them.

  4. Jamie P

    9 recipes for fava beans:
    I do believe some may contain meat, though….

  5. Robb

    Ok – so who do I talk to about a blog topic suggestion? Who uses Progenex? Who knows ANYTING about ProAnox? Yes, I know we have a “nutrition blog” but it is so last year…literally.

  6. That is love.. wrapped in bacon. Happy Bday Aaron!
    Cool article on Whole9Life today about 5 fundamental movements

  7. Stacey

    Brian used to us progenex all of the time. I don’t think he really felt that it worked as it claims. I never liked it for 2 pretty big reasons. 1st- the fake sugar that they use to sweeten it and 2nd- they don’t tell you what is in their “proprietary blend”
    Also- there is some drama with the progenex executives and some are doing some prison time for fraud. Not really comfortable buying products from companies with that kind of trouble.

  8. John Michelmore

    AO, that birthday cupcake looks great! How did it taste?

  9. Michelmore – it looks great??? It looks like something I flushed this morning.

  10. Sean T.

    Ryan – you might want to call a doctor..

  11. Start drinking chianti and you will not care. But, fava bean pesto is a great way to make some sauce that will stay in the fridge for a week and you can add to a white bean soup or pasta dishes. This is pretty close to the recipe I use:

  12. John Michelmore

    Sean T, good point, but that goes without saying….Ryan, nice suit!

  13. OMG … That certainly does not look appealing.
    Did you manage to eat it?