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Complete Domination of the Fintess Industry is Forthcoming

Weighted Pull Ups 5-4-3-2-1-1-1

AMRAP 15 Minutes:
30 sec Handstand Hold
30 sec Active Squat Hold
30 sec L-Sit Hold
30 sec Chin Over Bar Hold

Accumulate 30 seconds on each isometric position before moving to the next.  You may break a set, but you stop accumulating the 30 seconds while you rest.

There is no doubt that The Biggest Loser is America's most prevalent piece of fitness media in the sense that more people are seeing and learning about fitness from the show than any other source.  Well might be a close second, but I am guessing even more people know about or follow The Biggest Loser.

America's most well known trainer, Bob Harper has been doing CrossFit and Rouge has set him up a box at the Biggest Loser Ranch where he is using CF methods on the show.  If we thought a Reebok sponsorship was big exposure, how about this?  Bob is actually competing in the Open and you can view his profile here.

It's crazy to see our little cult community go from largely unknown by the masses to a household name almost overnight.  Many CF'ers who have been around since the old days, just a few years ago really, are having trouble accepting this growth and change.  They seem to want to keep CF to themselves and fear CF gaining wide spread popularity.  Why? 

What's the threat?  Shouldn't we be excited that we have been a small part of making a dent in the fitness industry that has been selling us all the myth of fitness past two decades?  Shouldn't we be stoked that the fitness industry as most people know it is about to fall?  The answer is yes, and it is imminent now.  Within 10 years the only peole doing curls, cardio, and pilates will be the cults in the garages.

Coach Glassman predicted this paradigm shift long ago and the time is upon is now.  With the growth of the sport and the media attention "Real Fitness" is now recieving, it won't be long before everyone is privy to the facts.  Constantly varied functional fitness at high intensity with the goal of increased work capacity and breadth of skills just plain works better than bodybuilding, cardio, and stretch class.

What is most exciting to me is that the excuses and arguments people have against CrossFit are slowly being taken off the table.  I'm too old.  I have a bad back.  I need to get in better shape first.  I don't want to lift weights…  The list goes on and on.  If the world's most well known trainer and the worlds most overweight people are now embracing CrossFit, all of the excuses become obsolete and I for one am more excited at this moment than ever.  There is no reason to squander this program.  It has grown because it works better and the momentum that is going now can not be stopped.

Check out the following free video and article from the CrossFit Journal.  CrossFit has officially arrived and the bigger it gets, the more knowledge and creativity come into our programs, th better we will all get.

Biggest Loser Winner Goes CrossFit
The Guy at the Back

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