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Dominating Your Opponent

"AMRoundsAP" 12 Min (Bet you don't get through many)
150 Wall Balls
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle Ups 


One of the reasons I am so drawn to CrossFit is for the opportunity to be part of a movement that strives to find the limits of human (and personal) performance/potential.  If you are "prebok" then you may have an idea of the extent to which preconceived notions of physical limitations in performance have been pushed.  Benchmark stats that would have been considered extraordinary in 2007 are now prerequisites for games competitors.  Of course some of this can be attributed to the fact that CrossFit has grown exponentially but if you look even at the athletes that are still around from that period then you'll realize it is not entirely explained through population growth.

There are examples in every sport of individuals pushing themselves and developing their craft beyond this imagined threshold.  I'm always inspired to witness such acts.  I wonder how far this kid will go?  He clearly has physical tools and the foundational technique necessary to walk this line, but we all know there are many more variables at work in realizing potential…we'll see.

What I am most impressed by with this kid is not his skill or athleticism but rather his confidence and body language.  It is evident the moment that he steps onto the mat that there is nothing his opponent can do to stop him.  Notice the way he stares directly into the eyes of his opponent and is on attack mode the moment the match begins (this is very evident at the 15 sec mark where his opponent starts backing up immediately).  There's no pacing and no regard for how his opponent (analogous to the workout) will effect the outcome.  Call it what you will, but this attitude definately lends itself to success.  When you hold yourself to a high standard and are willing to accept nothing less then you'll summon all of your potential strength that can get you there.  

Man do I wish I had this kids swagger…the cocky son of a… (there I said it, someone had to).

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  1. Thanks for the reminders about elbows and heels as I was doing 12.4 the other night, Blake! I know it probably didn’t seem like I was listening to you because you had to keep correcting me, but I swear it was just fatigue and not defiance. And I am sure that listening to you when I did enabled me to get through so I could complete some double unders, so thank you!

  2. Steve

    Good luck to everyone doing 12.4 today…and don’t forget to drink some green beer afterwards!!

  3. Nice work today! I saw quite a few muscle ups. And some 240s. Congratulations on getting 12.4 done!
    Blake: can I quote you? Nice post.

  4. That kid is a bad ass. He’s probably 7 tops and he has skills that many high school wrestlers have not developed. He’ll be a state champion for sure.

  5. Yeah. He is about eight. His name is “Steve-O” and he’s famous. Lots of videos out there on him.

  6. I think I could take him. Well maybe. I’m not promising anything. But I think I’d have a pretty good chance. 🙂