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Convient, Healthy, Affordable… Get Serious NOW!!!

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Deadlift 185/135
Burpee over the Bar

Getfoodrxlongithtext-300x94 Will be in the house tomorrow (Saturday) morning providing samples and helping you get started on better habits.

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We all know that proper nutrition is the key to unlocking results.  Whether it be weight loss, performance, or just quality of life… exercise is great, but nutrition in paramount.  When life gets crazy, the time and effort to eat right usually goes out the window.  No more excuses.

There’s a new gig in town and it is aimed at the lifestyles and nutritional beliefs of our community.  Get Food Rx is based right here in Sacramento and is ready to help you make the life change you need.  Meals include various breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack options.

Since the birth of our son and Loren’s return to a full time career, many things have had to change.  As you all know, there just isn’t enough time in the day.  We have been ordering food from these guys for the past 5 weeks and it has been a huge help to us in being able to get everything done while maintaining healthy habits.

Samples and Q & A Session Tomorrow Morning throughout morning classes!
GET FOOD RX will be here all Saturday morning providing food samples and answering any questions you might have.  All ordering is done through their website and all deliveries will be made to the CFES refrigerator.  Now you have one more reason to get to the gym, your food is here too.

I highly recommend you all give this a shot, especially if nutrition is somewhere you need some help, and most of you do.  It has been a great servie to Loren and I and has freed up hours per week in food preparation time allowing us to maintain good habits while getting other important things done.

Get Food Rx is going to be offering a discount to our members of 15% off your first order for the ext 30 days.  Just use discount code “eastsac” when you check out!

You can also check them out on Facebook.

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