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CrossFit Masters

Push Jerk 5-5-5-3-3-3

5 Rounds:
3 Box Jumps Max Height
10 Pull Ups

I am still fired up about Xenia, John, and Lesley competing at the throwdown.  You all train just as hard as anyone else at the box and we are proud to claim you all as CFES athletes.  It took guts for you to go out and compete in front of all those people.  You really showed them all what you are made of.  CrossFit is not just about 25 year old super athletes doing ridiculous WODs.  CrossFit is also about empowering people by increasing health, performance, and functionality for the long haul.  The three of you are every bit as amazing as any of the young studs in our box.  You all are true competitors and you are an inspiration to us all.  Thank you all for being active members of our CrossFit community.

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