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Deadlift Variations

Deadlift 5-5-3-3-1-1-1
Max Reps Deadlift in 60 seconds @ 50%

3 Rounds, 2:00 min each:
80 Yard Prowler 90/50
10 Box Jumps 20"
Max Reps KB Swing 70/53
Rest 2:00

Derek is shown here working on speed deadlifts.  Speed deadlifts are typically done for 2-3 reps on the minute for 8-12 sets using 50-60% of a 1 rep max.  The goal is to build explosiveness that will transfer to heaver deadlifts as well as other functional movements.

Derek has a few other things going on here.  He is standing on a 2" plate that is forcing him to pull from a deeper position.  He is also using chain weight which increases the load as the bar moves farther from the floor.  As you get better at deadlifting and progress on building strength becomes slower, adding these types of variations is just what the doctor ordered to keep progress coming.  For most of you, for now… just mastering the basics is going to produce great results.

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