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Keep That Diet On Track

15 Minute AMRAP:
5 Heavy DB Push Press
7 Toes To Bar
9 Pushups (Hardest Variety)
Run 200m


  Sad to say, but around this time people start giving up on their diet resolutions (I know one of our members has, but I won't snitch). Taking time out to prepare clean healthy food can be a real inconvenience for busy people. I have two easy suggestions: grill lots of food or cook lots in a crockpot. This allows you to keep plenty in containers in the fridge, giving you meals on the go. You are more likely to eat this food since it is readily available. I do this once or twice a week and it keeps me on track. What special tips or mental cues do you use to consistently stay on your diet? 

  Here is an article from the CrossFit Journal that gives some tips for efficiency in the kitchen. Oh, if you don't have a CrossFit Journal Subscription, c'mon get one people. 

  The Kitchen WOD 

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  3. Ashley Latimer

    Cooking in bulk 1-2 times a week is also key for me. Abs are made in the kitchen, right?! I’m particularly terrible with breakfast (either not eating it or eating something that will make me crash an hour later i.e a Starbucks breakfast sandwich) if I don’t prep on Sunday night. Typically I’ll scramble 15 or 16 eggs and sautee spinach or kale then portion it out into storage containers. There’s my tip;I’m curious to know what everyone else has found helpful in staying the nutritional course!

  4. AO- Where’s the bacon?? I keep trying to cook up several days’s worth o bacon for the week, but then I just eat it all that day.

  5. I’m with Aaron where I’ll try to cook big batches and use the crockpot probably 4 times a week so when I get home all I have to cook is veggies. I also recently got a food processor so I can quickly cut veggies that might otherwise take me an hour. I’ll hardboil a dozen eggs on occassion too though I admittently over-rely on whey protein… oh yeah AND EAT BACON ALL DAY ‘ERR DAY.

  6. John Michelmore

    Matt, you can never cook enough bacon…it’s just the way it is!

  7. Ashley Latimer

    How do you all not smell like bacon constantly? I feel like whenever I cook bacon, myself and my house smell like it for a good week. Please advise!

  8. I actually prefer smoked salmon over bacon. whatever. food prep and planning is the key. lately I’ve been stocking up on (lactose free) Kiefer and cottage cheese. Plus apples; I like to cut up the apples and spread peanut butter on the slices. I find that having simple stuff ready to go helps a lot.

  9. Ash- who says we DON’T smell like bacon?

  10. Jamie P

    Matt ALWAYS smells like bacon. 1 of the billion reasons I love him so much. ; )

  11. brother mike

    Apparently bacon is an aphrodesiac in the Matt P. household. John Michaelmore and Jen. R- looks like we have a second masters team for the Sactwon Throwdown with you two, Donna S. and me. We should coordinate on t-shirt sizes, team name and sign up. Shoot me an e mail

  12. donna

    I’m a fan of frozen veggies (chopped spinach, peas, asparagus, green beans, sweet potatoes, mustard greens). throw them into a bowl with some protein (rotisserie chicken, meatballs, etc.) and some tomato sauce then nuke it all. add some olives, nuts or sunflower seeds and there you have a paleo-zone meal in under 10 minutes!

  13. LauraB

    Ashley, I’m trying your egg idea tonight!
    Donna, where do you find frozen sweet potatoes?

  14. Laura, both Trader Joes and Raley’s sell pre-packaged, peeled and cubed sweet potatoes and butternut squash in small bags in the fresh produce section for eating within a week or freezing. You can nuke them right in the bag or toss them with some coconut oil, salt and pepper and bake at 325 degrees for about 20 minutes.

  15. donna

    Costco also has an awesome deal on peeled and cubed sweet potatoes. i think it’s under $5 for an amount equal to about 6-8 of the TJ’s bags, or something ridiculous like that.

  16. LauraB

    Thanks Ladies! I always buy sweet potatoes, but they sit unopened in the produce drawer….

  17. I struggle with breakfast, too. I make Breakfast Egg Muffins (Paleo Comfort Foods cookbook) and Bacon and Spinach Frittata (The Paleo Recipe Book) alternately about every two weeks. Both freeze really well and heat up in the microwave in 30 seconds.

  18. It’s hard to keep up your diet resolution especially if you’re not motivated. Just be sure to maintain your health always.