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BFTs For Plates?

Deadlift 5-5-3-3-1-1-1

5 Rounds For Time:
15 KB Swings
15 Pushups


If we run out of plates lifting today maybe we can try this.

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  1. Jessica

    1100 pounds?! Good lord….

  2. What’s with the dude in the kilt at the end of the video?

  3. 1100 lbs is very impressive, but don’t be completely fooled here. Even though he is standing on a raised platform, the bar starts much higher than a regular deadlift. Also you will notice with the amount of bend in the bar, the lifter doesn’t actually pick up the entire load until the bar is above knee level. My guess is that this guy would deadlift around 850-900 with a regular barbell and plates. Still ungodly.

  4. Brother mike

    The guy jumping at the end is pretty impressive too. That’s a lot of dude to get that far off the ground.