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Denise Roby = AWESOME

10 Minutes for Max Reps
Power Clean 185
Burpee Bar Muscle-ups

Must complete 5 reps of each as a buy-in, then any rep scheme is acceptable.



We are all here to get better. To improve. To get stronger and faster and healthier and sexier. Just like anything, it doesn’t come easy. A lot has to be done with consistency to continually push through and surpass goals and personal bests.

Denise Roby. Where do I begin? Denise started here at CFES about a year and a half ago and is continually pushing herself beyond what she thought was “possible”. If we had asked her in the beginning if she thought she’d be walking 50ft on her hands, squatting 230lbs, and busting out toes-to-bar while competing in the CrossFit Games Open in such a short time, do you think should would believe it? Knowing Denise, she actually might say yes. But nobody knows that it comes with lots of hard work more than her.

Denise a regular at The Ocho (8am class, holla), at the flexnasty class, AND often gets to poke her head in both the powerlifting and olympic lifting classes. Did I mention that she’s now squatting 230lbs?!?! (Congrats on the PR yesterday!!!) There’s really not enough room on this page to describe how wonderful this woman is. She is truly such a bright light and an amazing inspiration to so many, including myself. Her success with CrossFit and her consistent improvement is a direct reflection of her hard work, dedication, and investment in herself.

Cheers to Denise! Thank you for being such an amazing role model and a treat to be around. Keep up the good work. We are all so proud of you.


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  1. Amber

    True dat! When Denise came to my class about 7 months ago, she walked in extremely skeptical that a woman her “height” with no gymnastics background would ever be able to do even simple handstand. Now she can walk in circles around me then pirouette 6 times, do handstand forward rolls standing up in a pistol, and most recently.. on vacation…. Denise held a freestanding handstand for 45 seconds!?!? Gym record for sure. She’s a true badass and inspiration and we’re so lucky to have her at CFES!

  2. Alice

    Hip hip hooray! We are so lucky to have you Denise!! You are the best addition to the gym since the AC, I mean it.

  3. Brian

    Denise is so awesome!! She is inspiring at the Ocho!

  4. Matt_P

    She’s a CF ninja.

  5. Leah B.

    You’re amazing Denise! Keep up your hardwork!!

  6. Lesley Heller

    I want to be Denise when I grow up. We love u girlfriend.

  7. Justin Riley

    So glad Denise stepped through our doors and became a part of our community. You’re anninspirational person, and one of these days we’d like to hear the story from your perspective.

  8. Kelli

    Denise, your hard work and dedication inspires us to want to work harder. I LOVE working out with you my friend!

  9. Sharyn

    Denise truly is an inspiration and someone to aspire to be like! She is amazing! Way to go Denise!

  10. Kelly E

    YEAH she is. You’re the bomb, lady!!

  11. Liz

    YAY Denise!!! Way to inspire the rest of us.. So proud of you and all that you have accomplished!

  12. Cherie

    Yeah! Denise rocks! Soooo lucky to be able to work out with her at Ocho, Oly and SHT after class. Her attitude towards life and CrossFit is infectious and is such a great addition to the CrossFit community as a whole, our CFES box, Ocho, and B & I. Aside from her attititufe, she’s strong as shit! Congrats on the many recent PRs, backsquat being the latest. Love ya girl!

  13. Ashley Latimer

    Denise, you are a total rockstar to us at CFES! You encourage and inspire every single day!

  14. Denise Roby

    Thank you all so very much for your sweet, kind words and the truth is that U all inspire and motivate me to push myself harder each and everyday! As I tell everyone at the Ocho class…..”I just love u guys!” 🙂

  15. Crystal

    And not only is she the badass who continues to inspire us through all of her accomplishments, but she is the one person I see encouraging everyone in the gym, every single day, regardless of whether they are in Foundations, Level 1, or happen to be a competitor or traveling Crossfitter. She will meet you one second and the next she’ll be cheering you on in the middle of the wod and telling you to pick the bar back up. It has been amazing getting to know this girl! We love you Denise!

  16. kari

    awesome denise! looking great 🙂