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Doing Overtime

Deadlift 1-10-1-20-1-30
For 1's Try for Within 90%1RM
For 10 Try for 75-80%
For 20 Try for 65-70%
For 30 Try for 55-60%

Sprint 50 Meters
Every :30 For 8 Mins 


     As many of you know I like to do my own programming.  It has allowed me flexibility in scheduling my workouts and allows me to work on areas of my fitness that require the most attention (for me personally).  If I cannot make it in on back squat day (which I need to work on) then I can simply program backsquats into my programming the following day.  I also find much pleasure in doing my own programming.  Its part science experiment part art project designing a workout cycle that will improve MY fitness.  Was this the right approach to take?  …it's hard to say.  I am today much fitter than I was 2 years ago though who its impossible to determine whether I would have been better off taking a more regimented approach.  Nonetheless, I have no regrets in taking this approach for it has been an opportunity to experiment with different tools, methodologies, and styles of programming providing personal insight into what might be the most effective path towards fitness.

With that said I recognize that I have been on the search for a holy grail that does not exist.  I want the best program that will take me to the promise land of perfect fitness.  I sometimes lose sight of the reality that, as Travis tells me, "There's more than one way to skin a cat."  I enjoy learning about new training styles and will at times get overambitious in trying to implement them all.  Justin struck a chord when he told me a month or two ago that my programming looked like that of a schizophrenic… See the scene from It's Always Sunny…

After trying many programming styles I ultimately found myself doing three smaller workouts throughout the day.  The reality FOR ME was I ended up feeling over worked, under-recovered, and constantly stressed (probably from having to come up with 3 seperate wods that would work within the grand scheme of my programming.)  I said it before and I'll say it again… intensity is the variable most strongly correlated with improvement.  Though Rich Fronning may be capable of handling intensity that frequently, I am not he and what he does is not best for me (that sure sounded weird).  We are all influenced by those we look up to and there is no shame in searching for what's best; however, there are constantly new trends in a new sport such as crossfit and one must try to resisting jumping on every boat.

Ultimately I just wanted to share my experience with you all.  I know some of you experiment with adding in workouts outside of the gym (or do extra before and/or after).  I want to urge you to be very cautious in doing this for it can potentially do more harm than good.  If I see that you are trying to set a pr snatch after you've done 'Cindy' then I've failed you as a coach (mayebe do some LIGHT technique work some-od hours later).  Also, if you are not "dialed in" as far as sleep/rest and nutrition then don't even think about doubles. We get better by recovering after a workout, not from the workout itself.  This is a longterm process not an overnight fix (but if I do find the holy grail then I'll let you know–roids anyone?).

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  1. Blake- I only skimmed what you wrote, but I think the difference between you and Rich Froning is that his gym has a milk machine and ours has a kegerator.

  2. Lene

    There is enough room next to the kegs for at least 2-3 gallons of milk! Just put some in there and see if anyone starts beating Rich on some wods.

  3. Matt — haha! “skimmed” and “milk” in the same sentence. A comedic genius.
    I read the whole blog. It’s interesting to know more about the mental side of CF. Like any sport I guess.
    My take is that success may have a model — Rich Fronning — we are all individuals and need to pay attention to our own needs and capabilities.
    Thanks for sharing Blake. Cheers.

  4. I’m gonna vote that this DL protocol never comes back.

  5. Oh to balance Intensity with Recovery – a nirvana journey to get “enough”…

  6. I watched the video… I don’t get it.

  7. Blake is telling us he has John Nash-like intelligence and is also schizophrenic.

  8. What John said… the only part of the video you need to pay attention to is where the woman walks into the room and there’s all those papers posted on the walls with lines made all over the place…. I’ve now changed the video to see if those without my intelligence can make sense of it.

  9. Jamie P

    I totally got your intelligent video. Then again, I’m a lifelong member of Mensa.

  10. Blake: it was self-evident. Don’t worry about it.
    I think what Blake means is that being a slave to unrealistic expectations creates a form of insanity. Ultimately unproductive.
    Set some realistic goals, manage towards them, achieve them and repeat the process.

  11. The gate at the Garfield entrance “should” be open but if its not, gate code is #1974 or call us at 916-486-1215. PARTY TIME!!!