5 Rounds, 3 Miuntes Each:
30 Double Unders
200m Run
Max Unbroken Muscle Ups (cap at 7/5 reps)
Max Burpees
Score Muscle Ups x Burpees
Hey Paleo people! You want to pretend your a real life hunter gatherer?
It's time to order your Pretty Bird Poultry from Shrecks Farms in Apple Hill. These chics must be reserved by February 22nd at the price of $5/lb and will available in early May.
From the website:
"We will be raising them on an all-natural diet (no antibiotics or
hormones), with an organic non-GMO soy-free feed, grains from the local
breweries, extras from the local apple farms and unlimited daytime
foraging in our woods (and a secure lock at night!)"
Check out www.schrecksacres.com for details. Ok so you don't get to hunt or gather, but you should get some high quality bird meat.